Bonding 2 Males


New Born Pup
May 8, 2022
Reaction score

I adopted a male (Chester)to bond with my male (Charlie)Guinea pig. We are 5 hours in. No real fighting; however, I don’t think either has established dominance. Charlie was making submissive sounds at first but would not let Chester mount him. He now stands up to Chester if Chester comes around.

They stay apart for the most part. They will eat together. If Chester is eating, Charlie will smell Chester, but if Chester makes a move, Charlie either runs away or stands very straight.

My question is, is there a bonding scenario where the pigs live together but separately? So they interact some, but for the most part they stay by themselves? These are our first pigs.

They are in a 6x2 cage (6 squares long snd 2 squares wide). There is also a loft, 2X4, but I have that closed off right now.
This guide explains how to carry out a bonding and what signs you are looking for.
Are they in neutral territory (ie not charlie’s cage) and with no hides?
How old are they?

It’s normal for bonded piggies to not be cuddly with each other and not share hides etc, but two piggies are either bonded and can live together or wont bond (due to character incompatibility) and must live in separate cages

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
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Thanks. They are in a neutral cage. Charlie is 2 and Chester is 10 months. They did good today; however started to chase each other a little bit tonight.
I think they are still trying to decide who is the leader. They will eat together and go into the same hide away once in awhile(it has two openings).
Chasing and other mild dominance behaviours will be seen a lot during the first two weeks while they are sorting things out but it’s also something they will always do.

Once they been in the neutral bonding pen for a few hours and acceptance has occurred, then they can be moved to the cage