Bonding 2 boars

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2007
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I have today put 2 of my boys together. They spent the afternoon in a run on the grass and got on fine. A little bit of chasing and teeth chattering but not much. They are now in their hutch which is 6 foot long with a bed area each end. They have 2 food bowls and water bottles. They have been going from one bedroom to the other chattering their teeth at each other and I have seen one small scuffle but it didn't last long. I am able to divide the hutch down the middle but can't decide whether to do this or leave them together overnight. Any suggestions before bedtime greatly appreciated. Thankyou
If they have been together for a few hours until now without fighting, I would try and let them get on without separation. It will make it easier for them to sort out their relationship when they can interact fully.

You have thought things through very well and they have plenty of space to get away from each other.
GOod luck!
I'd suggest leaving them together.

If you split them up now, they'll just have to go through introductions again.
If there's no fighting, then it's best to leave them be.

I know how hard it is, though. Try not to worry.
Let them get to know each other, I'm sure it'll work out in the end.
It sounds like they're doing pretty well.

You're doing a great job :) They sound like they have a very spacious home.
Agreed. As new boar relationships go, it sounds like these chaps are doing well. I do appreciate the concern you have though - I too would be a nervous wreck, wondering whether or not to leave them unsupervised overnight!

They've been together for much of the day and got on well, I would take that as a pretty good sign.
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