I carnt upload the video
They both come face to face, a lot of teeth showing both go stiff , really really loud teeth chatter then attack
Max the black one wants to mount fudge which he let's him a little , but if fudge trys on max that's when it's attack
Ok I'm new to all this I will give it a try
Could it have something to do with Max
We got him of a friend of a friend who put him with another boar in a really small cage ,The out come was max had no fur left on is back end and also a cut ear we have nursed him back to health but felt he needed a friend, The only other option was that they were going to take him back to the pet shop because the other had taken over the cage
Cheers for the advise I will give it a bashid recommend letting the meet with bars inbetween for around a week first for 4 hours per day.. then let them together for floor time for 2 hours a week the increase by 2 hours each week till you get to 6 hours floor time(3 weeks) every day! if you notice fighting when moving to the next stage go to the stage before and do that for another week.. eventually youll get bonded pigs. this works for all the pigs I bond in my rescue so should work for you![]()
The problem I have is I only have one cage and one temporary cage I haven't got the room for two cages permanently
I don't max being on his own again
Option 2
I could take fudge back to the rehousing centre where he came from and try max with a baby boar
Option 3
Take fudge back get max neutered and try him with a female ?