
Barnyard Boars

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 25, 2018
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Since roughly around yesterday 10am, I have been bonding my Harvey (aprox a year) with a new baby pig (aprox 1 month) Milton, I didn’t read up enough and thought washing Harvey’s blankets and wiping down a bit would be enough to put Milton in his cage, stupid now that I know. They were NOT happy. They were chasing each other, loud teeth chattering, it wasn’t good. I transferred them into the bathroom tub (too many spots for the pigs to go I can’t cover) and it’s not 11:27am and there’s still a bit of following around, and Harvey smelling or licking Milton’s bottom, but other than that they’ve been cuddling for hours, sitting beside each other while eating, making happy noises, they seem to be okay? It’s my grandpas bday tonight so I figured I wouldn’t put them back in the cage tonight as I can’t monitor. Do they seem okay to put back possibly later tonight or tomorrow morning to anyone?
When can I start adding hideouts? (Like houses)
I have no experience with bonding boars. I’ve only bonded sows. But since nobody else seems to be replying, I figure my input is better than nothing.

I’d say they’re bonded. You can probably add in hideys, but I’d recommend just tunnels, or other hideys with two exits to minimize fighting.
I have a quickly put together ‘hidey’ With 2 exits I’m just wondering about them being put back in the cage, should 2 weeks be find to but back houses?