Bonded Senior Piggies Not Getting Along

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New Born Pup
Jul 22, 2016
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So my two guinea pigs, Chocolate and Powder are birth sisters and has always lived with eachother,They have always been bonded with eachother, and powder is more shy and chocolate is more bonded with me. they have never had any problems but as they have grown older (they are like 4 1/2) they have been not getting along, i recently upgraded my c and c cage and got another hut because they cant stand being in the same hut together. they dont really fight over food. when they get their veggies they stay far away from eachother. but i just want to know why they are acting like this and how to prevent it? Thank you!
Welcome to the forum :)

As long as they are not fighting it may just be a phase. We have only had two pigs out of 9 that have ever shared a home especially as they get older and bigger. It is a good idea to have two of everything, we have only had two pairs of piggies that have ever been particularly close.
It is sadly a myth that bonded guinea pigs and especially related guinea pigs are one heart and one soul! Most piggies that have been given the choice (as you have done) actually prefer having their private corner for the majority of the time the older they get.

As long as they are just cohabiting without any strife between them, accept it as it is; they are still firmly bonded. But like to do their own stuff. ;)
Welcome to the forum :)

As long as they are not fighting it may just be a phase. We have only had two pigs out of 9 that have ever shared a home especially as they get older and bigger. It is a good idea to have two of everything, we have only had two pairs of piggies that have ever been particularly close.

Thanks! they chase eachother around the cage squealing and knocking over huts. I'm not sure if they are actually hurting eachother but they def are fighting :/
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