Bonded pair - squabbles - re-homed - anxious

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2009
Reaction score

I have had a very old pair of ex stud guineas in their retirement year and they loved each other. I have just rehomed a pair of bonded boars that are about a year old and cousins (not had guineas for 10+ years). They are in a c&c cage which is 2 by 4. The first day they did not leave each other alone but now Tango seems to turf Jive out of the hidey hole. When we have them out on the sofa with us or having floor time Tango gets scared after a while and starts squeaking and this causes jive to get angry and chatter, and nose lifting and odd nips have occurred but no blood. Are they just reestablishing their relationship in a new home?

Thanks for any advice you can offer, Eleanor
As long as there is no blood, I would try and stick it out. Quite often, a change of home triggers dominance squabbles and can cause permament break-ups. Hopefully, they can make it past it. Best of luck!
Thanks Vicki, just looking for some reassurance really as do not know them that well yet has only been three days! I suppose they will always be boys and have the odd tussle will let you know what happens over the next week or so. At the moment all is quiet and they are sleeping together in their house so fingers crossed xx
Make sure that they have everthing double - bowls, bottles and huts, so the dominant one can't squeeze the other boy out and squabbles about food and territory are kept ot a minimum and they can get away from each other. Give them as much space as you can afford and time to settle in and calm down.

You might like to have a look into the boar behaviour thread at the top of the "Behaviour Section". I find it a useful refresher generally before new introductions, even with sows!
Well all is quiet today so far fingers crossed, they looked to be a bit itchy yesterday so have cleaned them out and treated them for mites, jive was also being very grumpy with everyone although still eating me out of house and home veggie wise. Have ordered some gorgeous guinea shampoo and will bath them next week when it arrives. They have two bowls of food but prefer to empty them on the floor and then eat together. I could split their hut into two but then they would have no escape hatch and i am worried incase one gets cornered and feels the need to fight his way out. After emptying their water bowl all over the floor last night they have finally drunk from the water bottle.
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