Bonded Boars Suddenly "Fighting"


New Born Pup
Jun 6, 2022
Reaction score
Hi! This might be a little long but I'm worried about my boars :(
So I have two boars, a black one around 2.5 years old (Loki) and a long haired white one (Thor) around 1.5 years old. They've been bonded together for a little less than year and a half now, living together with minor squabbles here and there, never drawing blood or getting past a little bit of teeth chattering. Loki has always been the dominant one, though Thor likes to instigate little arguments here and there. They have plenty of floor room, at least two hides, two water bottles, etc.I do occasionally move, but the boars handle it considerably well and never act like this when we do move.
However today, Thor suddenly seemed to start bothering Loki incessantly, chasing him, mounting him and rumble strutting significantly more than usual. Loki seems to just accept it for the most part, making high pitched squeaks if Thor is really pushing it, which is unusual because Loki is usually a quiet boar. But Thor doesn't let up and continues to chase Loki and get in his face and mount him, even when Loki tries to run away. I've never seen Thor act like this before, nor have I seen Loki not stand up for himself. There's luckily been no blood or any teeth being shown, but Thor will not stop.
I have been reading some of the boar info posts on here and decided to split them up by some C&C panel so they can still see and smell each other. Loki hides in a hide while Thor paces by the division, rumble strutting and chewing on the bars like a mad man trying to get to Loki. After about an hour, it seems like Thor is still biting at the cage between them. For my own sanity, I will be keeping them separated for the night so I can get some sleep without having to watch them. I'm not sure what to do and would love any advice anyone would have ! Thank you !
It’s possibly a hormone spike.

What you are seeing with Thor pacing is to be expected - the instigator will be upset for any separation - but it’s Loki’s reaction you are going by. If Loki’s was upset by a separation also then it’s possible they do still want to be together. If Loki is indifferent or otherwise happy to be apart, then that can sometimes be a sign that their bond is failing,

Leave them apart for a couple of days to allow Thor to calm down. After those few days, reintroduce them on neutral territory (don’t just remove the barrier), and allow them to make their decision about whether they still want to be together.

Bonds In Trouble
Welcome to the forum. I hope your boys decide they want to stay together.
Thank you both for your well wishes and advice ! I'll leave the barrier up until probably Friday before reintroducing them in neutral territory when I can properly observe them. Good news is that Thor seems to have calmed down a little and isn't pacing as much, and Loki definitely seems interested in Thor on the other side of the barrier!
I have two boars and I’d hate for them to fall out.
Hi, just a bit of solidarity for you, and looking for advice as well! We’re going through this right now too, been bonded for a year and now one is the instigator and will not leave the other alone and then then you blink and they fall asleep next to each other… it’s very stressful and I’m at a loss at what to do! Same as you, plenty of floor time, (run of the whole living/kitchen room! 😂) lots of forage mats and busy toys, hiding spaces, tunnels, 2 or 3 of everything and I still feel like the bond is failing…
Hi, just a bit of solidarity for you, and looking for advice as well! We’re going through this right now too, been bonded for a year and now one is the instigator and will not leave the other alone and then then you blink and they fall asleep next to each other… it’s very stressful and I’m at a loss at what to do! Same as you, plenty of floor time, (run of the whole living/kitchen room! 😂) lots of forage mats and busy toys, hiding spaces, tunnels, 2 or 3 of everything and I still feel like the bond is failing…
It may just be a hormonal surge. I think as they’ve settled down, just keep an eye on them for now.

PS always better to start your own thread so it doesn’t slip through the cracks.
update: ive reintroduced them in a neutral place, and I think the bond is failed 😥 they teeth chattered for a few minutes and puffed up before lunging at each other. then loki just kinda sat down and ignored Thor, Thor keeps walking over to Loki to sniff him, yawning a couple of times, teeth chattering and rumble strutting while Loki just ignores him. Thor keeps trying to initiate interaction but because Loki is refusing to interact, i dont think its going to work. I'm absolutely devastated 😭
What was Loki doing when Thor would come up to him? Did he let Thor mount and/or jump him?

I’m sorry that things didn’t work out. The lunging at the beginning is a worrying sign. Interaction can still be had through the bars so please don’t feel you have failed them. Once they make up their mind you can’t change it unfortunately 🙄
What was Loki doing when Thor would come up to him? Did he let Thor mount and/or jump him?

I’m sorry that things didn’t work out. The lunging at the beginning is a worrying sign. Interaction can still be had through the bars so please don’t feel you have failed them. Once they make up their mind you can’t change it unfortunately 🙄
After the initial scuffles, Loki wouldn't look at Thor, but if Thor tried to mount him, Loki would run/jump away. Thor tried a few times to mount Loki but Loki wouldn't let him. Thor kept circling Loki while eating some hay but Loki just laid down and didn't eat anything even when Thor groomed/cleaned himself.

Now that they're separated, Loki is eating. I'm worried that now that theyre separated they'll get lonely, namely Thor who is the one that keeps trying to initiate interaction. :(( I've adjusted the cage(s) so that they're separated by some bars and can interact at the very least
Wanting to get in with the other piggy through the bars isn’t really an indication of a good thing. You can see how he is for now. If you feel he does really need a friend then you can try dating him at a rescue. The pair would need 150x60cm minimum and Loki would still need to live next door to them.
Hi, I realize that I am semi late to the conversation but just wanted to add something. My now very happy boars went through this exact same thing.

Obviously I am not there to see exactly how they are acting and it does seem potentially dangerous, and in no way am I saying to just put them together again but I wanted to share my story because they are very similar.

When at the worst of their fighting I have even put a thread on this forum because I was panicked, My more dominant guinea pig seems to be like Thor (Great names by the way!). All the fighting even lunging, raising heads at each other it got to the point they were separated in their hutch. Digby (my thor) was chewing at the bars moving them out of the way all the rumble strutting and everything but I set it up to a place where I believed he couldn't get through to his cage mate.
When I checked on them in the morning I was wrong and I found them cuddled up in a corner. I panic checked his cage mate but he was completely fine.

I do genuinely believe this is a very large spike in hormones, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't shocked that more people had not been through a similar situation (maybe they have but just haven't shared it!). I have only seen this in my situation so if trying to let them work it out is a option for you, I would personally try it.
You know your pigs and hopefully you are aware of the dangers, but after a year together and no blood drawn, There is just so many similarities to my previous situation that I personally would be willing to put them together again and see if they can work it out, like my boys did.

After being together for a over a year every boar pair I have had, that have been bonded for over a year, have been together forever even through the dominance fighting over the years. But maybe luck is on my side.

I would like to reiterate that I am not a vet and have not had any other situations like this apart from one. I am fearful my advice will cause one of your guinea pigs to potentially get bitten or hurt if they are seriously fighting and only you can really see if its hormones or something further than that. I have shared this story incase you feel your pigs seem to still need each other. I am also sure other members have had a different experience with a failed re-bonding/fighting boars which is why I would take my story with a pinch of salt.

Either way I wish you luck with your search for some new pig friends or for a potential rebonding x