Bonded boars - Success

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
South Yorkshire
I Had two Boars that lived alone Sid is 1+ years and Bertie is about 10 months, Sid came from pets at home he was one of the older ones that they couldn't find homes for and he has lived alone for most of his life, but Bertie was living with females before he came to me and became lonely when he came to live with me and had to have a cage on his own. I was considering getting him neutered but wasn't sure he would settle down due to him being active in his previous home. I decided to chance putting him with Sid and everything went perfect, On their first meeting Sid decided he was going to be boss he mounted Bertie a couple of times and that was that, no teeth chattering no chasing. This morning they went out in the run again and there wasn't even any rumbling they were sat together munching grass. I'm so pleased how this went and they are both happy to have company, i put them together in a cage this evening and we had a little rumbling and then it was over....Sid was more interested in the food lol.

Bertie would be mad to argue with Sid to be honest as Sid's huge lol.
That's brilliant - I was sad when my two didn't quite bond but they live happily side-by-side now.

Well done, you must be really pleased - I'm glad you made a good match! O0
That's great news! Sounds like your boys are going to be firm friends!

I have a couple of pics - This first one shows u how big Sid actually wonder Bertie didn't want to challenge him lol


They are lovely, great they are getting on unlike my two >:(
Gorgeous! Two of mine are from pets at home! I love Sids colouring and I really adore chunky guineas! :) Both are too gorgeous for words!

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