Bond broken between Boars


New Born Pup
Sep 17, 2024
Reaction score
London, UK
Hellow everyone! I have some questions about my two boys.

We got them together. One is a few months older than the other. They got on for a month with the older one displaying normal dominant behaviour but they snuggled up together to sleep etc.

Then the younger one became more dominant as he grew up.

Now the dynamic has flipped. The younger one is not just displaying regular dominant behaviour but doesn't stop even when he has cowed the older one. We separated them, introduced them again slowly on neutral territory, placed them in an outdoor pen. Each time he would escalate it. In the end he bit the older one on the back and wouldn't let go which was quite scary (they're both ok though).

They have been kept in a divided 6x2 cage which gave them half of that space each. They also would get individual exercise floortime (has to be individual because otherwise they would do battle). Now this situation isn't working long term because 3x2 isn't enough space imo. What I can do is give each a 4x2 each in a two tier c&c. They will see each other when they get individual exercise time through the divider.

I'm thinking instead I should re-home the more aggressive one and maybe try and find a companion to bond with the less aggressive one. This doesn't feel very right for social animals. I don't have the space for more than this. They have most of the space in our downstairs as is.

Neither of them are neutered.
I’m sorry to hear of their fall out.

It really depends on how you want them to live. It is a perfectly acceptable long term solution so continue living as they are. A 3x2 is ok, it does meet the minimum for a single piggy, and if it is the only way they can be side by side constantly, then that is how it will have to stay.
The only alternative to give more space and the all important side by side is to make your cage an 8x2 and then divide it in half to give each their 4x2. That doesn’t sound from what you’ve said to be possible for the space.
What you can’t do is put them two tier while they are single pigs. They need to be side by side interaction at all times, so putting them two tier removes that and can result in them becoming lonely. Only getting side by side interaction time when one is out at exercise time isn’t enough.

The only way you can put them in a two tier is if each has their own new live in friend.
That could be them being neutered and being put with a sow each. That way a 4x2 cage is fine for each pair.
A boar pair need a 5x2 so if you could extend the cage, then make it two tier, you could have two separate boar pairs.

Alternatively and as you have suggested, surrender one to a rescue so they can rebond (either with a boar or being neutered and bonded with a sow) and rehome him.
You then find a suitable character compatible single boar, with the help of a rescue ideally, as a new companion. The help of the rescue will be valuable so to ensure compatibility and that you don’t end up with another failed bond.
Or that you neuter the one you keep and find him a sow. Depending on his age, then that may be the more stable long term option - I say as bonding teenage boars, while not impossible and certainly doable with the help of a rescue, is trickier while hormones are in play. A boar/sow pairing tends to be more stable and easier to get to work when dealing with a teen boar.

I know it’s a tricky situation. I had two boar pairs and one of the pairs fell out. Theyve lived side by side for coming on two years now. Following the passing of one of my other boars I’m left with three single boars so have bonded one of the failed pair and my bereaved older boar, while the other of the failed pair lives beside them as a single. The single living in a 3x2 with constant side by side interaction with the pair.
