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Bold Patches, Black Dots And Dandruff

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score

My guinea pig, Rikky, has a bold patch on his back. I have read online that it might be mites and to treat it ivermectim. I bought some from pets at home. The first treatment was three weeks ago, and it said on the box to re do it after 4 weeks. However his bold patch has not improved, also he started getting it on his nose. Today I have noticed that he has some kind of dandruff on his bottom, also some black dots that are around his fur, they are not moving or anything but it seems worrying. I am not sure if this could be because he likes to lay in hay.20160616_190903.webp 20160616_190914.webp 20160616_190926.webp 20160616_191118.webp
Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
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I don't have any advice really except for that id take him to the vet to get checked out
I think you should definitely go see a vet, because even if it can be mange mites, it can also be other things and you should only treat him for what it really is. Apart from that, the spot on ivermectin has a lower dosage/concentration, and it might do more harm than good, because the mange mites can become used to it, and make them more resistant to it? It's recommended that if a piggy has mange mites they should be treated with injected ivermectin three times, leaving a week (more or less) between each injection.
ok, thanks, however there is one problem, I live in Dorset and I have been to so many vets that advertise as 'guinea pig' vets, but they are not very good - if I can put it that way. So I was just looking for advice on here. Well, thanks guys anyway :)
Have you checked the vet recommender on the forum? There will be vets on there, even if you have to travel. I travel an hour each way to my pigs vet but it's worth it :D

It is very important to have your piggy seen by a vet to ensure he is diagnosed correctly so that the correct treatment is used. There is no point using a treatment on Rikky and you find it does more harm than good. You would not self diagnose yourself so please don't do it with Rikky.

Also depending on what it is if you have other piggies they may need to be treated also. It may be that if mites they have come in on hay which means you would need to dispose of it and clean all bedding etc with the correct piggy safe disinfectant. So you need to know what you are dealing with to ensure it is treated correctly and he does not keep getting re-infected xx
ok, thanks. Has any of your guinea pigs had this before? :)
I have been very lucky not to have experienced this personally but am aware it is one of a few common problems that piggy owners have from time to time.

However while you can seek advice and useful information from us here on the forum no-one is better qualified to help look after your boy than a guinea pig savvy vet. If you do not already have one then now is the time to get sorted for the future of your gorgeous boy xx
ok, thanks. Has any of your guinea pigs had this before? :)
I rescued a piggy 2 weeks ago and last week I noticed hay mites on her. They were little black dots (not moving) but there was no bald patches. She and her cage mate have now been treated with gorgeous guineas shampoo and are due to be rewashed again soon. However, as I said, there was no bald patches on my piggy so it seems it's a different issue
Teddy did have mange mites last year, he also had a bald patch on his head and after getting treated by the vet with the injections he was fine again. And just a bit after the first injection the bald patch became waaay smaller than it was at the beginning. But it's important to always finish the course because of the eggs!
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