Bobby Bed Head

He smartened himself up, because he had to see the vet. He nearly hits the roof when you touch his hind end - I don't know if he just doesn't like it or if it hurts, so he's got some painkillers to see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't he's just grumpy, but if it does work.....x-ray. He didn't like the vet. lol
He didn't like the vet
Dennis hates the vet too:eek:. He takes one look at the vet (before vet has even looked at him), does a swift 180, legs it up my body and ends up a quivering wreck hiding on my shoulder under my hair!:yikes::yikes: Strangely he knows when he is being taken along for moral support and just sits there on the examination table patiently waiting for the vet to prod and poke his friend:hmm::hmm:.
Dennis hates the vet too:eek:. He takes one look at the vet (before vet has even looked at him), does a swift 180, legs it up my body and ends up a quivering wreck hiding on my shoulder under my hair!:yikes::yikes: Strangely he knows when he is being taken along for moral support and just sits there on the examination table patiently waiting for the vet to prod and poke his friend:hmm::hmm:.
Aw, poor Dennis. Need to keep an eye on his front paws, he may get writer's cramp from all those memberships he's been making!