My two boars are only young, not sure exactly how many week (if it helps the rescue lady said they were the correct age to go + the two and half weeks weve had them?).
My concern is that reading loads of different sites (which none seem to say the exact same), they say boars will be fine when they are young together, but as they get older they will fight. I was just wondering how true this is?
I think Buttons is older than banana, as he is quite alot bigger than him (still only ickle compared to my friends adult pigs) so i'm guessing they arent brothers.
They were in the same pen at the rescue, along with a few other boars.
They adore each other now, always together cuddling up and share their food really well.
Id be grateful is someone can tell me the likelyhood of them staying friends
Silly question, I know, but its something that has worried me ever since reading it lol.
My concern is that reading loads of different sites (which none seem to say the exact same), they say boars will be fine when they are young together, but as they get older they will fight. I was just wondering how true this is?
I think Buttons is older than banana, as he is quite alot bigger than him (still only ickle compared to my friends adult pigs) so i'm guessing they arent brothers.
They were in the same pen at the rescue, along with a few other boars.
They adore each other now, always together cuddling up and share their food really well.
Id be grateful is someone can tell me the likelyhood of them staying friends
Silly question, I know, but its something that has worried me ever since reading it lol.