Boars yawning at humans?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
So by this point I am used to seeing all three of my boys "yawning" at each other to show their teeth during dominance displays and whatnot.

What I am finding kind of weird is that they all yawned at me today!

Granted, I brushed the brothers for the first time this afternoon, and they didn't like it one bit, and Batman's still getting his antibiotics, which he doesn't like either, but really - I didn't think they'd do that to me!

Is it a warning that I need to quit whatever I'm doing so I don't get bit, or is it just that they're tired? do guinea pigs even really yawn? (I'd never seen a pig yawn before I got the brothers this January, so it's all new to me.)

Any experiences with this sort of thing? Any ideas? Many thanks!
Wait till you see one really stretch and yawn after a siesta, our girls really stretch out their back land front legs at the same time they unhinge their jaws and really go for it.
Guinea pigs do yawn when they are relaxed and sleepy just like people do, but it could also be them warning you although I suspect not. Little Pig teeth chatters at me sometimes when he doesn't want me to pick him up, but I just laugh at him! Cheeky little so and so! He also sits and chatters his teeth at the fridge sometime, trying to threaten it into feeding him!
Yeah piggies do yawn when they are sleepy and stretch out there wee leggies- its possibly one of the cutest things the do drool
Sometimes they do a real yawn, not just showing their teeth... mine will stretch and yawn sometimes while I'm patting them. It's very cute... they kick their feet out the back as they stretch and yawn and look very relaxed!
Thanks everyone! I wasn't sure as they were doing it right after a struggle with the brush and me poking and prodding them.

Batman chatters his teeth at me now, which he never used to do. I'm looking forward to being done with his medication so that he can like me again. :P

It was very cool though last night, because all of them pancaked on me following the nasty brushing and poking! (I didn't have all of them at once, I did them one at a time and then snuggled a bit after the stressful stuff.)
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