Boars wiping their bottoms?!

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 26, 2009
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Hey all! Ive got a question about boars, whenever I hold my boars about half the time, they seem to wipe their bottoms on whatever I'm wearing (:))) Theres a line thats usually left and smells like poo or
Do boars usually do this or?
Thanks! them xx
They are scent marking and it is very normal behaviour. You will always see it as soon as you put the piggies in their freshly cleaned home as well!
LOL! My boar dosn't do this he just rumbles and chuckles like mad if I've just picked up one of the girlies (he gets very excited!drool:)) )
The girlies tend to rub themselves backwards and leave a stink, I thought only boars did this...........
they love you very much their just reminding you that your their piggie slave lol
My Boar Archie does this, but thankfully not on me. It aggrivates me when he does this on my carpet:a19:. Little monkey. Hi by the way, you are not that far from me.
What joy another claimed owner my Oliver positively wipes the whole cage with his bum when i go for cuddles he purrs and strutts around me i am sure he thinks i am one of his sows...oh i do love that boar x)x)x)
Oliver is my new avatar picture
My boys are bum wipers too! Particularly Rocky, he is the dominant boar in my two. However neither of them have ever done it on me! Rufus isn't a big wiper, and Rocky is a stubborn boy who knows that the more he wriggles and nips during lap time the sooner he gets put back in his cage to do his own thing! So I think I haven't bonded enough with him yet to be wiped!
Have you got a piece of fleece or something to have cuddles on? So then the fleece gets stinky and not your clothes!
Girl don't do it as much as boys, but they do it as well - thankfully, so far, nopig has done it with me!
haha Aww bless oliver, he looks gawgussss!

I do have towls and such, but sometimes you just want a quick cuddle dont you when there isnt a towel around and they do it.. lol

Thanks for your replys :)
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