Adult Guinea Pig
Love them or avoid them, boys are the rough-and-tumble pairings of the guinea pig world and are often shunned by new and experienced owners who are frightened of finding themselves with multiple pairings or even singles after a disruptive introduction.
I've paired three pairs of boys together without problem, and last night (3/6/09) I added a third boy into my already happily co-existing boar pair.
How I did it:
I approached the introduction expecting them to display enough recordable behaviour that would make then entire introduction educational to new owners. boyToy and I both expected an escalation to teeth chattering and perhaps a back-off period. Unfortunately yet fortunately for me who has to live with them, nothing escalated beyond rumblestrutting and "I can lift my head higher than you."
If anything, they can the poster children for a "BOARS BEHAVING GOODLY" campaign. xx>>>
Video One
The first 20/40minute introduction condensed into 5-minutes of mild bickering.
Video Three
Note: the cage I am using is UNDER the minimum recommended size for three boars. This cage was thrown together because I had begun to feel ill toward the end of the introductions and wanted to quickly settle the boys before I went to bed. A second level will be added sometime very soon.
I've paired three pairs of boys together without problem, and last night (3/6/09) I added a third boy into my already happily co-existing boar pair.
How I did it:
- I used the bathroom; neutral territoriy and the bathroom itself is big enough that they could suitably exhaust themselves if they decided to chase each other rolleyes
- Lots of food spread out over the floor (which was covered in fleece to make it easier to clean afterwards and to stop them sliding on tiles)
- A huge mound of "good hay" (Orchard Grass - they go nuts for it compared to meadow hay) - both to distract and toss at them if they'd become grumpy with each other.
- NO hidey holes so there was nothing they could feel a need to defend
- boyToy who would separate them in feed be :p and laptop for recording
I approached the introduction expecting them to display enough recordable behaviour that would make then entire introduction educational to new owners. boyToy and I both expected an escalation to teeth chattering and perhaps a back-off period. Unfortunately yet fortunately for me who has to live with them, nothing escalated beyond rumblestrutting and "I can lift my head higher than you."
If anything, they can the poster children for a "BOARS BEHAVING GOODLY" campaign. xx>>>
Video One
The first 20/40minute introduction condensed into 5-minutes of mild bickering.
Video Three
Note: the cage I am using is UNDER the minimum recommended size for three boars. This cage was thrown together because I had begun to feel ill toward the end of the introductions and wanted to quickly settle the boys before I went to bed. A second level will be added sometime very soon.