Boars mounting a lot...

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Aug 1, 2011
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I am new to this guinea pig forum, and still learning my way around. Sorry if i make any mistakes.
Anyways, i have to male piggies about five months old now, and just recently decided to addopt another little boy. his name is jujube, and is about 3-4 months old. i knew the risks of adopting him and that introducing a third boar would be risky, but he was in a feed store...
Till today i still believe i made the right desision. After doing tons of reserch i decided it was time to introduce them. It being my first introduction and all i was a bit nervous. The first introduction was done in a plastic kiddy pool. i pulled Juju out after about a minute, to make sure he was a male.
I took Cappuccino and Mocha outside to calm down. I decided to make the second introduction outside where my older boys seemed to be the most calm. I took a deep breath and watched patiently. All in all it went smoothly, a lot of rumbling, hip swaying, butt and chin snffing, and some rised hackles. absolutely no wheeking, nose offs, or teeth chattering. They were together for about an hour. The only thing that really went on for that hour was mounting. Continuous non stop mounting. on Juju and eachother. I understand that this is a sign of dominance. they were not being aggresive at all they would mount for a couple of minutes then lay down next to eachother, then go back at it. I put them back in there cages as it seemed juju was getting alittle stressed with being "Rapped" as my mom called it. my question for you guys is, how long will this mounting continue? Why are they doing it so much? i mean for an hour? why so long? will they figure the ranking out and stop? any information on this matter would be amazing(:
sorry for the long post. i just wanted to be as descriptive as possible.

I will be posting the video of the introduction on youtube soon(: if anyone wants to see it.
The mounting will be that frequent because they're males, it doesn't matter if you kept the new one in there all day with the other two, they would continue to mount, but that's when you could have nasty accidents. Even though they're under 6 months of age, not yet becoming hormonal, you are going to find it more and more difficult as they get to that stage of their life.

Each time you introduce them to each other, they have to start from scratch, the mounting, rumble-strutting, and soon it'll be teeth chattering and injuries.

I personally wouldn't attempt it because it's just unnecessary stress on them, and then it's highly unlikely it'll work anyway, plus you could lose the bond between your older pair, they could easily turn on each other after you take them away from the younger one.

Getting the little one his own male cage-mate of a younger age would be better all round but that's only if you can afford it and have the space. The younger they are the better, obviously, but you have to be realistic with males.
I've just introduced a 12 week old to my almost 2 year old. I did it outside in the run. I'd say it was a mount fest for about half an hour (but that's only 2 to mount). I think if you're going to bond them, you need to be prepared to ride out the mounting so long as there isn't any more aggressive stuff going on. Otherwise, like Lilmisscavy says, you have to start from scratch each time. It is horrible to watch though, but i think normal. Dansak and potter were a bit funny with each other for the first week and trying to work out who was boss, but all is now well (so far...). Do you have a plan for if they don't work out as a trio?
So Your saying it might work? I mean is there any possobility that they will be able to live as a trio? How big is the possibility? And you say he may cause my brothers to unbound? What does that mean? Is that possible?...
Do you have a plan for if they don't work out as a trio?

I'm not sure really of what I will do if it doesn't work out. All I know is that whatever happens I will make sure I do what's best... Also I replied to your last comment but forgot to quote so I'm not sure if you've seen it.
Good advice above as usual. Even boar parings are notoriously unstable.

A lot of boars simply can't live with other boars - particularly of the same age. There are some boars that can form very very strong bonds but it seems statistically less likely than with sows. Boar trios are almost certainly likely to be even more difficult. At the moment they may well get on as they are very young but once pubity hits you may well have a lot of drama - fighting, rumble strutting, snorting etc. and this may lead to separation. This happened with our pair who are now neighbours and we are looking for long-term cagemates for them.

Neutering may be suggested by non-cavy savvy vets. This will not change their behaviour! It will however mean that you could later bond/pair your boars with sows without fear of pregnancy.

It could work out and I really hope it does for you and for them but you might want to think about waht you could do for them if it doesn't. Do you have room for three separate cages for example?

Best of luck and I really hope it works out
So Your saying it might work? I mean is there any possobility that they will be able to live as a trio? How big is the possibility? And you say he may cause my brothers to unbound? What does that mean? Is that possible?...

Trios I know of have all been of brothers born together but problems have still occurred later.
I would seriously consider keeping your duo and finding your single boar a friend to keep a happy balance. As someone said, to undo a bonded pair is so unfair - imagine the best friend you have suddenly being whisked away because someone came along and spoiled your relationship :...
You are risking having three separate and unhappy piggies here instead of a bonded pair and another potential duo. Boars will fight to the death which I am certain is not what anyone wishes to wake up to one morning ?/
I would not take any chances.
Well all introductions worked out and they have been living together for about a week now. All seems to be well, just occasional rumbling. The only odd thing I have noticed jujube doing today is rubbing his butt against the others... I'm not quite sure what this is... Is he marking them? They get annoyed and push him away, and he just starts popcorning. But that's it. Mocha and capp. have already hit puberty, jujube seems to be getting close. I hope that won't be a problem.
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