Boars had a fight, what now?


New Born Pup
Jul 4, 2023
Reaction score
Barcelona, Spain
Hi there!
Three days ago my guinea pigs, both boars, had a fight and there was blood drawn. The older is around 7 months and the younger is 4 months old.
The older one was the injured one, he had a bite on his upper lip and it looked bad. I went to the vet and everything was fine, they gave me antibiotics just in case to prevent the wound getting infected and he's doing fine, he can eat and drink as always.

The thing is that now they're living in separate cages in separate spots of the room because they start to chatter their teeth and make angry noises and get agressive when they see each other. They try to fight through the cage and I dont think it's good for them, they just get angry and stressed.

For now I'll let the older guy heal. I've thought about a possible solution:
- Try to rebond them once they get at least a year and a half old. But they will have to wait at least a year living alone, just squeaking at each other from time to time from different sides of the room:soz:.

Getting two sows, one with each boar is not an option, I can't have 4 piggies. I would love to but I can't.

What would you suggest?

Thanks in advance !
I’m sorry to hear they have had a fight.
Separating them is the right thing to do but the chances of you ever being able to rebond them is very low, certainly not anytime soon and not likely when they are 18 months old. They have fought because they are not compatible and they will not change their mind about that, probably never.
Once boars are older and testosterone is fizzling out, there might be a small chance that companionship will be more important to them but we are talking many years down the line, 4+ years of age, and perhaps not even then.

Two of my young boars had a fight and broke their bond back in November. To begin with they were acrimonious through the bars but they settled down. It is so important separated piggies are side by side, being across the room won’t allow them to interact fully.
You should try to bring their cages back side by side. You can do so by putting a blanket or cardboard between the cages to hide their view of each other. Then slowly remove it a bit at a time over a week or so until they learn to live side by side

Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Sorry not wanting to be negative but sounds like a defo no to any future bonding.
I’ve been there and however much I tell my piggies that life be better if you get on
Once fight has happened and bloody oh my it’s sadly a no.