Boars Fighting, One Is Teenaged Other Is A Adult. Need Some Advice On What To Do.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 19, 2016
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Hi all, I am hoping to get some advice on my 2 boars.

I had to separate them for about a week ago due to one having a eye injury from a fight. His eye is on the mend now and he is able to to be with the older male now without me worrying. The younger one is about 3/4 months old, and he seems to be the more dominate pig, I have put them in neutral ground (my sofa) with some lettuce which worked for about 5 minutes and they were fighting again :( i was able to calm them down with some strokes and talking to them. But then they were at each other throats again. I separated them with a pillow... and kept them apart but they could still see each other and teeth were chattering and they were screaming at each other showing teeth etc... I have put them in a run with a divider on the lawn and they ignore each other for a bit then start it all over again... they were perfectly happy together till about a week ago... the younger one wasnt dominate at all, they had 2 of everything... am I doing anything wrong and what can I do guys? Do I need to separate them for good now? Advice please...
Hi all, I am hoping to get some advice on my 2 boars.

I had to separate them for about a week ago due to one having a eye injury from a fight. His eye is on the mend now and he is able to to be with the older male now without me worrying. The younger one is about 3/4 months old, and he seems to be the more dominate pig, I have put them in neutral ground (my sofa) with some lettuce which worked for about 5 minutes and they were fighting again :( i was able to calm them down with some strokes and talking to them. But then they were at each other throats again. I separated them with a pillow... and kept them apart but they could still see each other and teeth were chattering and they were screaming at each other showing teeth etc... I have put them in a run with a divider on the lawn and they ignore each other for a bit then start it all over again... they were perfectly happy together till about a week ago... the younger one wasnt dominate at all, they had 2 of everything... am I doing anything wrong and what can I do guys? Do I need to separate them for good now? Advice please...

I am very sorry that is has all gone pear shaped for you!

Please separate for good. Once a serious bite/injury has happened, piggies won't go back together - and if they are fighting so badly at the onset of the teenage months, there is unfortunately very little chance of them making it through the next 10 difficult months together. :(

This guide here lays out your future options in detail:
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
I've read that guide... I was hoping they would get on but it looks unlikely then... it is a shame. I'm going to get a big run with a divider I think and put houses inside it for them so Atleast they have company I'm not allowed to get any more pets been ordered that by my boyfriend :P I don't thing the injury was intentional :(
I've read that guide... I was hoping they would get on but it looks unlikely then... it is a shame. I'm going to get a big run with a divider I think and put houses inside it for them so Atleast they have company I'm not allowed to get any more pets been ordered that by my boyfriend :P I don't thing the injury was intentional :(

You were right to try again, but if they start fighting again, then it is not going to work out. It is always gutting. :(
Damn okay I will keep them apart till I have suitable living arangements for them. Thanks x
I'm from south England. And one is 2 and one is about 3/4 months
I'm from south England. And one is 2 and one is about 3/4 months

You could consider neutering and have each boar live with a sow eventually - provided that you have access to a good vet (crucial) and that you can talk your OH round. Cross gender bondings are the most stable of them all with fall-outs being very rare. Your little one is just about coming up to the age where that is an option, so you still have wiggle room left. For the time being, they are best separated, but in a way that they can still interact for mutual stimulation, as especially the little one won't understand why and will need the company/stimulation of a companion.
There are several good rescues on the South Coast: Little Pip's in Sidmouth, Wheek&Squeak near Southampton and relocated Crawley GPR (now Worthing Guinea Pig Rescue).
I can't get another pig. I've put a divider in their run and they seem happier and less aggressive. Its mainly the little one who is causing the fights the older one is just defending himself and hides away from him... I really don't want to take ether to a rescue centre I've spent a lot of time cuddling and holding these guys they are lovely pigs. And are easy going apart from this. The younger one is living in a cage in my bedroom and the older one has a hutch outside. My dad and brother build hutches and bird boxes as part of their job and have both agreed to help me make a big run split in 2 by chicken wire or bars with hutch boxes in each end. They seem to get on a lot better this way.
Would it be worth trying everything first like buddy baths and lots of lap time together or is there no chance?
Would it be worth trying everything first like buddy baths and lots of lap time together or is there no chance?

You can give it another try if you wish to, but I would not have my hopes up too high. Especially f your boys are a lot more relaxed and happier in themselves with a divider in between.
They are happier. They keep laying next to each other is that a good thing? And sniffing eachothers face and bum... if I do a bath together do I just use water? And every now and then they make vibrating noises but it's no where near as bad as it was this morning
They are happier. They keep laying next to each other is that a good thing? And sniffing eachothers face and bum... if I do a bath together do I just use water? And every now and then they make vibrating noises but it's no where near as bad as it was this morning

The buddy bath removes any excess of testosterone from the coat after a fight in order to prevent the boys getting riled up again straight away. I would either give a proper bath or leave it altogether - whether your boys go together again is ultimately down to them, and no trick on the world can get round that fact.
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