Hi all, I am hoping to get some advice on my 2 boars.
I had to separate them for about a week ago due to one having a eye injury from a fight. His eye is on the mend now and he is able to to be with the older male now without me worrying. The younger one is about 3/4 months old, and he seems to be the more dominate pig, I have put them in neutral ground (my sofa) with some lettuce which worked for about 5 minutes and they were fighting again
i was able to calm them down with some strokes and talking to them. But then they were at each other throats again. I separated them with a pillow... and kept them apart but they could still see each other and teeth were chattering and they were screaming at each other showing teeth etc... I have put them in a run with a divider on the lawn and they ignore each other for a bit then start it all over again... they were perfectly happy together till about a week ago... the younger one wasnt dominate at all, they had 2 of everything... am I doing anything wrong and what can I do guys? Do I need to separate them for good now? Advice please...
I had to separate them for about a week ago due to one having a eye injury from a fight. His eye is on the mend now and he is able to to be with the older male now without me worrying. The younger one is about 3/4 months old, and he seems to be the more dominate pig, I have put them in neutral ground (my sofa) with some lettuce which worked for about 5 minutes and they were fighting again