Hi! I have two boars, they are brothers and I adopted them when they were likely a year old. I've had them since January, and when I adopted them I was told that they occasionally get into little tiffs but nothing to worry about. Lately they've been fighting a LOT. At least two or three times a day, complete with mounting, teeth chattering, and sometimes even snapping at each other. It's really a toss up as to who starts the fight, and I'm guessing it's a power struggle. The problem is, whenever I separate them, the slightly less dominant one starts to panic. He squeals and runs around, searching for his brother and doesn't stop until I put them back together. I'm not sure how to stop them from fighting, but I'm also not sure what to do in the meantime. They have a plenty big enough cage, and it even has an upper level (that they love) that I got thinking it would help give them some separate space, but evidently not.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Grace L
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Grace L