Boars bickering


New Born Pup
Jan 3, 2022
Reaction score
Hi just looking for a bit of advice.
My two boars (Sage and Bean) have been together now nearly 9 months and every day they bicker. I’ve never seen any blood drawn or actual fights (where neither backs down), usually Bean the more submissive piggie just runs away.
I’ve seen a couple times recently that Sage will jump on Bean, usually onto his back with his mouth open but I’ve never found bite marks. Bean will run away, teeth chattering then follows for 30 seconds or so and then they stop and eat or sleep.
But sometimes Sage will just continue to get frustrated every time Bean moves quickly.
Is this behaviour normal? And is this just a thing with boars?
Sage had another friend that he had to be separated from as they got into a tornado fight and Sage was on the receiving end and blood was drawn. I wonder if this has caused anxiety, if guinea pigs can actually hold anxiety from past traumatic events.
Fresh hay is the only thing that unites them as they will happily sit and eat it together.
Am I being overly worried and this is just like how humans have disagreements?
Any help or advice welcome, I’ve had guinea pigs since I was 10 and I’m still learning 15 years later:)

I've linked some guides where you should find answers your questions. There are more guides in the Guinea Pig Info thread accessed via the bar at the top of the page.
- How big is their cage? Boars really need 180x60cm as recommended size but no smaller than 150x60cm.
- Do they have multiple of every resource in the cage?
- Do all hides have two exits?
- Do you ensure you only clean part of the cage at a time (so that you don’t fully remove all scent from the cage in one go)?

It is very normal to have periods of mild dominance but they should mostly be calm and happy together.

If you see behaviours which are constant and beyond mild dominance, and tipping into annoyance which then has the potential to escalate, then that is when you get concern that the bond may not be functioning.

The guides above will explain what you are looking for.