Boars at war

  • Thread starter Thread starter EmmaJ
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Hi, I'm new to this forum and looking for some advice from you hardened guinea pig owners.
I have recently adopted two boars who have not been handled much or given any attention. They are about 5 months old and although they have always lived together they seem to still be caught up in a struggle for dominance. I tried to hold each of them in turn for a few minutes but when I put them back together in the cage there was much teeth chattering and I narrowly avoided a blood bath. Now I'm scared to try to handle them again in case they try to fight afterwards.
Does anyone have any recommendations on the best course of action? It is only early days and I really don't want to seperate them until I absolutely have to. I am used to keeping sows or sow and boar pairs so this fighting is new and worrying for me.
try bathing them together and having them on floortime ina neutural territory for a while... that might settle them down a bit...
Welcome to the forum by the way :)

Hope thi helped
Hello, sounds like they're hitting adolescance and just boys being boys! Best its over & done with asap, stick at it & I'm sure it'll be fine. No doubt you've found our very own resident 'boar experts' website Barmy for Boars? I have found the bath lined out with loads of towels and sheets is a good neutral space if you're stuck for space....
Thank you both for your moral support and suggestions. It is nice to know that their behaviour is normal. I had a good luck at Barmy$Noars before committing to adopting them and it has been useful. What a great idea about putting them in the bath for neutral space! I will try this and will also bathe them together too. Thanks! Will keep you updated.
If you can, rather than getting each one out on his own and then putting him back with his brother, can you have them both out on your lap together? This is obviously a LOT easier if you have somebody who can help you!
Thanks SammyRoo. I have thought about this but is difficult to find anyone to help at the mo as my housemate is always out.

Things have worsened somewhat sadly. As always there has been much rumbling and confrontation as well as teeth chattering (particularly when I tried the previous recommendation of putting them in the bath!) but now I have noticed Desmond try to bite Dexter a few times and Dexter is being thrown out of the living quarters alot. I have given him another house but he won't try it.
It seems to me that Dexter winds Desmond up as he is inquisitive and gets in Desmond's way. This is when Des attacks. Dexter does not seem to back down though which is what worries me. I'm not sure what to do.... They have two of everything and sometimes they do seem to tolerate each other. I'm just worried that one of them may end up getting hurt. Plus, it isn't nice to watch your guineas arguing and fighting all the time... When should I say enough is enough guys?
Hi there and welcome, well this is natural it's like 'bitch' fighting ?
Sooo you need to supervise and keep a strict eye on them.
Try the play time together yes they might rumble and chatter their teeth but as long as they dont draw blood you should be ok for awhile. Then slowly patiently get them together. Can you pop them in cages close to each other so they can see and smell but not be physical. Our boys were brothers but could not live together but got on famously in a divided cage and loved play time, but always did the rumble and teeth chattering and sometimes the humping at the start but it did calm down. That's just our experience, best of luck with your little 'men' :smitten:
Thanks glynis. Looks like I will have to buy another cage as have no more spare. They have always lived together apparently but I doubt their previous owners even noticed the arguing. Their ears are a little tattered so looks like things could have got nasty in the past. I will seperate them for a bit and let them live side by side but the problem is their worst clashes happen when they are on neutral ground. So how will they ever start to like each other...
I had the exact same problem with my boys. Once they hit adolescence they started to argue. There was just a few scuffles in the cage, nothing to worry about but when they came out for floor time in neutral area all hell broke loose. Gus wouldn't back down like he did in the cage. The fighting spread to the cage after a little while so eventually I decided to seperate them. It didn't look like they were enjoyng living together because it was constant bickering and squabbles. Now they live side by side so they can see and interact with each other. I tried reintroducing them on neutral ground last night and they did well for about 20 mins but then it got a bit nasty. I thought I'd ruined what peace I had because it took them a couple of hours to calm down and stop yelling at each other through the bars of their cage. I don't have much hope for my boys ever going back together now but I hope you at least manage floor time together. I think I'm going to have my boys fixed and get them girl friends, I miss watching the piggy train.
Thanks Gus and Jack. Sadly blood was drawn last night so ended up going to pet shop to buy new cage. One is much happier whilst the clingy one of the two (also the injured one) seems desperate to get back in. I must be strong for his own sake! I think a few more attempts at bonding on neutral ground and then I'll be joining you looking for some girlfriends for them instead.
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