I have two boars, one is about 7 months old and the other about 11 weeks. After quarantine period for the younger guy (I got him at 8 weeks), I introduced them in a completely new cage (i.e., neutral ground) with a barrier between initially. I removed the barrier about a week and a half ago and since then they've been doing the typical rumblestrutting, teeth chatting, establishing order in the herd behavior. Yesterday, however, their behavior escalated into a full-fledged attack, each with a minor abrasion. I've separated them - they're in separate cages right next to each other - and now my question. I've read differing opinions on whether or not I should try to reintroduce them. I'm going to build an even slightly larger cage than the one I have now, and put two of everything into it hoping this helps. But, should I even try or is it too much of a risk for the little guys? Any suggestions? Thank you!