boars and sows close

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HI I have 3 single boars living next to each other. I may be getting some sows which I would like to keep indoors as well but wondered if it would affect the boars too much.
Its driving my boar crazy living so close to the sows indoors. Not long now and he can join them. If yours all live alone the smell of sows might make them hyper and if they live together it could cause them to start fighting.
I've always had boars and sows in the same room, and it doesn't seem to make any difference. In one room I have a cage of four boars (living together) and six sows. They can see and smell the sows, but don't seem to care. The only problem I've ever had is babies trying to mount their Moms, but they were taken out before they could do anything, so that problem was solved ;D So I guess it really depends on the piggies and their personalities.

Different people have very different experiances of this. For some owners bonded boars have been kept near sows with no problems, for others serious fighting. Because my boars are in pairs and have not been around the smell of sows for most of their lives I would not want to try them out near to sows incase it did cause problems. However if your boars are single and do not live in the smae cage then they cant really harm each other and may even like having the sows around. Do be aware though some boars bar bote etc as they want to get to the sows.
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