Boarding pigs W/ regular meds


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
*located in US*
Southeast of Saint Louis.

So I have Penelope who is over 5. She did have a slightly enlarged heart and takes Benazepril every 24 hours and Vetmedin every 12. She’s been doing fantastic since being on the meds and never requires any diuretics.

We are thinking we may take a vacation beginning of next year. We’d be gone for about a week. I get very nervous leaving her as I care so much about her. I want to make sure she’s completely taken care of given her meds. I don’t know what to do for when we would leave. I don’t know anyone who owns piggies over here either. I don’t have a close enough friend to come take care of them. I prefer someone that has had experience with them.

I do not want to get her boarded at the vet as her vet is around 2 hours away and when she had a drop off appointment months prior & was there the whole day she has came back with temporary back leg paralysis I’m assuming from stress. I do not want to stress her out at all especially with her heart.

What does everyone do with their pigs that need meds regularly when they do go away for a period of time? I do get nervous having strangers come into my home as I’ve heard so many horror stories of pet sitters actually not taking care of the animals.

Any advice greatly appreciated. 💗
This being a UK based site we don’t have boarding info on other countries but the Guinealynx website might have info on boarders. You can also ask on their forum. Otherwise you might have to ring around and visit their premises and see what they have to offer. It’s great that you are seeking a boarder that is the best for your little lady 😊
Guinea Lynx :: Guinea Pig Care Guide