Board Scenting After Change Of Bedding - How Long Will This Last?

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New Born Pup
Jan 7, 2014
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I just got rid of the sawdust and put lovely new fleece and towels in my cage with my two boys. However within about 5 minutes the stink was awful! I figured they're scenting- they never stank before! How long does this last? Will they do it every time input fresh fleece in? If so, I might change back to sawdust as I can't stand the smell !
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My boar experience is limited, although I have recently got a young neutered boar so I know exactly what stink you mean.

How old are your boys? I assume they are both fairly young. To me it sounds like the change in environment has made them need to reassert their dominance so this is what you are seeing, essentially it is a brand new territory for them.

I wouldn't have thought it would last a long, long time and once they have settled down then I would think the scenting would calm down a bit but I am no expert. As for whether it would happen every time you change- I honestly wouldn't know, I would have thought that once they are used to the fleece they would scent quite so much but I again can't be sure. Hopefully someone else will be along soon.
How old are your boys? I guess that they are hitting the big hormones. All piggies will immediately mark any new (i.e. cleaned) territory as theirs; with your change to a new bedding, this would have been particularly strong. The sawdust has probably absorbed it better although the stink should disperse somewhat and the marking will hopefully not quite as extreme in the future!
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