Boar with behaviour issues


New Born Pup
Nov 10, 2018
Reaction score
Please don't judge, I really don't know what to do and am looking for help.
I have a single male boar, he's over a year old and lives on his own in a 2x3 c&c cage.
The reason for this is because I've tried him with 3 mates and he has drawn blood with them all one very badly.
I cannot trust him with another guinea pig and he currently lives side by side.
What am I doing wrong? I do the bonding correctly and follow all the rules but he just hates companionship.
He goes from 0-100 in a matter of seconds and I won't give him up due to his behaviour.
Sometimes they just don’t get on to be able to share a cage and there is nothing that you can do about.
Living side by side with another piggy is perfectly acceptable and an approach which some of us in here have had to take - myself included.

I had two boar pairs. One pair broke down so they live side by side as neighbours.

The other option if you want him to have a friend in his cage is to have him neutered and find him a sow. He may not tolerate another boar and in this case it is often much easier to get them to bond with a sow.
Whether you can do that depends on space (a 2x3 cage isn’t big enough for two) and whether you have any other boar pairs in the room. If you do have other boar pairs then you may not be able to add a sow for your single without the smell of her disrupting your other pairs (we can advise further in this if needed)
Our boys live happily as neighbours.
Our Wally pig is a bit of a pickle, and had multiple failed bondings before we adopted him.
We have offered him the chance to live with his neighbour but he was not willing!

It’s all down to personalities.
A bit like us not wanting to live with certain people!