Nick c
Junior Guinea Pig
We have three boars (we were new to piggies at the time!). To start with Ginger, Butterscotch and Biscuit lived together, but Butterscotch started to bully Biscuit quite badly. Ginger was the dominant one, but was not aggressive in his dominancy. We seperated Butterscotch and he has been living happily on his own above the other two. The other two were quite content and Ginger was the dominant one.
They are all seven months old and for the last fortnight Biscuit has been challenging Ginger for dominancy. Both have been mildly teeth chattering and Biscuit has gradualy become dominant and chases Ginger constantly. We had been getting concerned that the chasing seemed far less playful and Ginger has become a little subdued. Today we came home to find two black marks on Gingers nose which may be a bite but could just be the spots where two of his whiskers grow from. There is no blood and they don't seem to hurt him. We thought we had better check Biscuit too and discovered a very small tear on his bottom lip with a bit of blood on it. Although not too serious I think Ginger has decided that enough is enough.
We know from carefully supervised floor time with all three together that Butterscotch and Biscuit can never live together. Ginger is dominant over Butterscotch, but not aggresively, just as was the case when they were all younger.
My question is.........should I make Biscuit the single piggy and put Butterscotch and Ginger together? I think this would work, but don't want to keep changing them around.
Apologies for long post. Hoping a behaviour expert can help.
They are all seven months old and for the last fortnight Biscuit has been challenging Ginger for dominancy. Both have been mildly teeth chattering and Biscuit has gradualy become dominant and chases Ginger constantly. We had been getting concerned that the chasing seemed far less playful and Ginger has become a little subdued. Today we came home to find two black marks on Gingers nose which may be a bite but could just be the spots where two of his whiskers grow from. There is no blood and they don't seem to hurt him. We thought we had better check Biscuit too and discovered a very small tear on his bottom lip with a bit of blood on it. Although not too serious I think Ginger has decided that enough is enough.
We know from carefully supervised floor time with all three together that Butterscotch and Biscuit can never live together. Ginger is dominant over Butterscotch, but not aggresively, just as was the case when they were all younger.
My question is.........should I make Biscuit the single piggy and put Butterscotch and Ginger together? I think this would work, but don't want to keep changing them around.
Apologies for long post. Hoping a behaviour expert can help.