Boar sounds


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2021
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I am five nearly six days into having my two boars at home.

They are right now (behind me) being so squeaky! I always fill up their hay before bed. I did that about 15 minutes ago and I've just been watching them since. Lots of running up and down, usually it's the dominant boar (Papua) close behind Pipsqueak, who continuously makes these short little squeaks the whole time! In fact, whenever Pap comes near he does this. But also, when I came in this morning, they were eating hay next to each other and just chilling. Sometimes Pap will do a rumble / purr noise when approaching Pip.

So is this chasing, or playing? How do I know the difference? It never seems to be Pipsqueak chasing / following Papua, always the other way around.

What are the little squeak sounds from Pip saying?

There is no aggression. And in the day they chill most of the day really, just hiding, resting , eating and foraging in the hay.

Pip right now is making these (sweetest) little squeaks whilst eating hay. Is that because Papua is near and he's telling him he's no threat?

Any insight welcome - I am just interested. 😊
It’s likely just him telling Pap that he accepts his position. Remember that they can take up to two weeks to settle in and this includes sorting out their hierarchy. All sounds normal anyway.
It’s likely just him telling Pap that he accepts his position. Remember that they can take up to two weeks to settle in and this includes sorting out their hierarchy. All sounds normal anyway.

Good that is sounds normal. I don't feel worried about their bonding anymore. Having observed them all week, I'm pretty happy with how they are together. :) Long may it last!
Also some piggies are just really vocal.
Oreo was our guinea pig who was never, ever quiet. She would literally squeak with every step she took and was constantly wandering around the cage chatting away to herself or anyone who would listen.
I have also had piggies who rarely make a sound, so I guess I am just trying to say that there is a range of noises and some piggies seem to really like the sound of their own voices :lol:
If Oreo had been a person, I suspect she would have been a politician
I'm learning a lot about their individual personalities already! I've noticed that Pipsqueak does a little teeth chatter when he is impatient for a hay top up or his veggies!
This is interesting as hubs had said Louise teeth-chatters him* when he's bringing the grass and she's the underpig of her pair. Now Flora has also started to do it - more quietly so it's hard to hear but you can see it - and she's the underpig of her pair. Flora has appointed herself both guard-pig and chief-wheeker to let everyone know when the front door opens but the chattering seems to be impatience as it happens as he's carefully trying to tip grass out of the bag without burying them!

*He was heartbroken at first because he really loves her and thought it meant she didn't like him. He knows better now 💕
It’s likely just him telling Pap that he accepts his position. Remember that they can take up to two weeks to settle in and this includes sorting out their hierarchy. All sounds normal anyway.
So what about one loud wheeking noise? My husband said he heard one last night, and we just heard one then while watching TV. I came in to check, and little Pipsqueak was staying in one spot, but ding little jumping moves. Not like a big popcorn, but just little moves... then ran up stairs, and I gave him hay (I usually do at this time) and he got all excited...

Could it be he was doing a loud one of wheek because he wanted hay?

Papua has now come up to join him with the munching and whenever he comes near, Pip squeaks - just little tiny chiruping noises. I just hope Papua didn't bite him and that is why he did a loud wheek... !