Junior Guinea Pig
Hey all,
Just here to reassurance seek really. I got two baby boars to accompany my adult boar back in December but as commonly described puberty set in and one of the babies challenged my adult for dominance. There have been the 'normal' dominance displays- rumble strutting, teeth chattering and mounting - however, Last night I found my adult boar had been bitten so badly his eyelid had become detached. He's been to the vets first thing this morning and just had surgery to reattach the eyelid and I have absolutely no plans whatsoever to reintroduce them due to the level of fighting.
I just wanted to check out firstly, would it be ok to put their separate cages next to one another? My adult has a good relationship with the other baby and I feel he would still like to interact with him or would you advise zero proximity? and secondly, would it be advisable to let both my adult and dominant baby boar to play with the second baby independently of one another? They seem to have mutually good relationships with the second baby but just despise one another?
Any help is really appreciated,
Many thanks,
Just here to reassurance seek really. I got two baby boars to accompany my adult boar back in December but as commonly described puberty set in and one of the babies challenged my adult for dominance. There have been the 'normal' dominance displays- rumble strutting, teeth chattering and mounting - however, Last night I found my adult boar had been bitten so badly his eyelid had become detached. He's been to the vets first thing this morning and just had surgery to reattach the eyelid and I have absolutely no plans whatsoever to reintroduce them due to the level of fighting.
I just wanted to check out firstly, would it be ok to put their separate cages next to one another? My adult has a good relationship with the other baby and I feel he would still like to interact with him or would you advise zero proximity? and secondly, would it be advisable to let both my adult and dominant baby boar to play with the second baby independently of one another? They seem to have mutually good relationships with the second baby but just despise one another?
Any help is really appreciated,
Many thanks,