Boar running in frantic circles around new baby


New Born Pup
Aug 29, 2024
Reaction score
United States
I've spent the day bonding our existing boy Pork chop to a new 3-4 month old baby after we lost his older friend a couple of weeks ago. I'm using the neutral space with a big pile of hay method. I've done this before, specifically with Pork chop and I've reviewed all the guides and info again before starting, but Porky's behavior is strange to me and I'm wondering if I'm ignoring warning signs and this bonding is failing.

They started off ignoring each other in favor of veggies, but once they noticed each other Pork chop was immediately very upset with the little one. He sprayed urine absolutely everywhere, scent marked the floor until his genitals turned red and irritated, rumble strutted, chattered and seemed to refuse to let the baby touch him. The baby was really interested in him and wanted to sniff, but Porky wasn't having it. There was no biting but Porky seemed really stressed even though the baby pig was super docile. I've never seen him act like that before, with his last partner he was the subordinate pig and eventually had to be separated after our older boy got sick and bit him. It took 3 hours for him to calm down enough to nap and eat together, and the baby started really nibbling on Pork chops ears which he eventually allowed, but that's when the chasing behavior started.

Every 10-20 minutes Pork chop gets wound up in a way I'm worried about. If the baby starts running and playing or even if he's just asleep Pork will get up for seemingly no particular reason and he runs around at the baby frantically sniffing his butt or mouth like crazy and just running in circles around him while scent marking. Just circles, no biting or humping. This will literally last 2-5 minutes of him just circling the baby if the baby is laying there trying to sleep or chasing him if he runs. There's no nipping at all, no lunging, no teeth chattering, or really any vocalizations from him. The baby seems totally unharmed and hasn't so much as squealed once although he'll shove Pork chop away if disturbed too much. I've tried to figure out what's going on, but I can't seem to find any info on this issue. The baby acts like it's playing half the time and ignoring him the rest, but Porky is so frantic and obsessive it doesn't feel like he is. He will lay down and rest but won't sleep or let the baby fall asleep. It's worse since putting them in the clean cage together and feels like Porky doesn't want the baby to sleep. He will eat out of the same bowl or drink from the same bottle though. I haven't separated them since he specifically seeks the baby out to lay next to or eat with and will let the baby nibble his ears and just close his eyes. Still it's hour 10+ and decently late at night and he's still regularly running at and frantically sniffing the baby.

Should I keep them together if there's no blood, or is Pork chop overstimulated or overstressed by the baby? Has anyone seen this behavior before?
Welcome to the forum. I'm afraid I have no advice but someone more knowledgeable will be along soon.
For context, how old is Pork chop and are you 100% certain of the babies gender?
I’m no expert but had to do a new bonding with a boar and 3 females recently after he lost his wife pig. My boy didn’t do the urinating but he did relentlessly run around them, mount them and just seemingly stop them from relaxing. But similar to yours, there was no biting or aggression. A few nose ups, butt sniffing but that’s it.

It sounds to me that it’s going ok. He is just reasserting his authority and just needs lots of time. Avoid adding any hideys etc until things are more settled. I now have an amazing little herd, they sleep,together in a circle with their heads together when they are in the indoor cage.

So it’s worth being patient and let them deal with it!
I would have suggested, if possible, leaving them in the bonding pen overnight rather than moving them to the cage but I see you’re moved them to the cage and things got worse. As it’s been a few hours since you posted, how have things been?
Unfortunately leaving them overnight in the pen wasn't an option. I did it in the bathroom and our downstairs neighbors take 2+ hour showers in the morning that are so hot our bathroom hits 85+ degrees fahrenheit every morning. That's why I started in the morning and stayed up so late to give them as much time as possible before the cage.

Pork chop is still regularly running up to the baby. But he did calm down long enough for a 30 minute nap beside the baby with baby in a hide and him outside of it. I went ahead and removed the hides. I thought they'd be fine since they're more like tunnels than hides, but Porky does seem to focus on the baby whenever he runs into one to sleep. Still no biting, nipping or anything absolutely dooming a bond. Unfortunately I've hit my limit and absolutely have to sleep as it's almost 2 AM.
Hold your nerve, I think things will calm down. None of it seems like aggression, more Porky displaying dominance over the little one. keep a close eye on them and make sure you scatter all foods around to make sure the little one gets a chance to eat and provide two water sources too. leave the hides out for now, provide big piles of hay instead
You've had some great advice here and it seems like you're doing it all right. Good luck a well bonded pair of boars is a wonderful thing once you get there
It sounds like it's going OK to me, although I am not experienced with bonding.Porky sounds excited but inhibited, so is poking his nose in and then running around, rather than humping. When the youngster gets older, he might take on a more dominant role, but Porky might be happy to let him be dominant, preferring to be second piggy 🤞They might be just sociable and easy going 🤞🤞🐾🐾