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Boar Penis - including picture. Insight needed.


New Born Pup
Sep 11, 2022
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
My friend has a Cavy Boar whose penis is enlarged and protruding.
She called worried she might have to put him down...

I'm Googling like mad for her and have found smegma buildup, prolapse, impaction, and infection as potential culprits.
I have sent her videos to diagnose impaction and treat.
Also care of boy bits.
I am looking for someone to check out the gruesome pix and cough up any insight because none of the photos I am finding look like what she sent.
Can one of you guys check out and lend insight? Trying to avoid the single mum heading to an emergency vet on a Sunday.
Can this wait if I have amoxicillin or something?

Many thanks,


  • cavydickpic.webp
    77.5 KB · Views: 41
My friend has a Cavy Boar whose penis is enlarged and protruding.
She called worried she might have to put him down...

I'm Googling like mad for her and have found smegma buildup, prolapse, impaction, and infection as potential culprits.
I have sent her videos to diagnose impaction and treat.
Also care of boy bits.
I am looking for someone to check out the gruesome pix and cough up any insight because none of the photos I am finding look like what she sent.
Can one of you guys check out and lend insight? Trying to avoid the single mum heading to an emergency vet on a Sunday.
Can this wait if I have amoxicillin or something?

Many thanks,

That must have been quite a shock for you. This is the worst I have ever seen,

Please have this seen by a vet as soon as possible. Your boy must be in major discomfort and pain.

How quickly has this come on? Is your boy still eating normal/has a steady weight (just checking by eye means that you are unable to just the hay intake that makes at least three quarters of what a guinea pig should eat in a day)? Please make sure that you weigh daily at the same time on the kitchen scales and step in with feeding support promptly.
If the swelling has come on very quickly, please make sure that your vet is checking for a potential hernia (part of the gut slipping through a small hole in the peritonal sac) or if it has developed a bit more slowly, then it could also be from a large semen rod (dried semen fluid in the penis sac) causing an infection; an abscess or a tumor could also be possibilities.

Lost of practical tips (including how to improvise in an emergency) and important information for bridging care and emergencies in these helpful links here:
Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Weight - Monitoring and Management

Please also note that amoxillin, like all penicillin-based antibiotics is lethal for any rodent species.
Do not home treat on spec.
Being poisoned by amoxillin is a very unpleasant and not very quick way of dying, as we have sadly witnessed on here several times on here when it was inappropriately prescribed or the result of home treatment outside the UK (where antibiotics are prescription-only medication). You really can easily do more harm than good. :(
Guinea Lynx :: Dangerous Medications

PS: Please accept that we are a public forum with your posts visible to not registered people, and not a private members group on social media. For your own protection, I have removed your personal contacts. Please never give them out without checking thoroughly what kind of place you are posting on.
Hi, just wanted to add please don't give the piggy amoxicillin as it is a type of penicillin, which is fatal to guinea pigs. Your vet will be able to provide piggy safe antibiotics.
He's actually acting fine. Like no reaction from him reports the mama. Seems to be eating and drinking...and pooping. I'll send her your reply right away, thank you so much!
He's actually acting fine. Like no reaction from him reports the mama. Seems to be eating and drinking...and pooping. I'll send her your reply right away, thank you so much!
It's great he is acting fine, but he really must be in considerable pain.
Please make it clear to your friend that he needs to be seen by a vet sap.
Ouch. Poor boy. Hope he gets sorted out quickly. Good luck.
That looks really nasty for the poor boy. He must be in a lot of pain. Piggies are wired not to show pain until its very often too late as they are prey animals and don't want to be picked out and eaten by predators.
My boar had a swollen penis similar to that about a month ago.
I didn't manage to get a photo though because while I was getting my phone he managed to retract it, though I could still feel the swelling under his skin.
I took him to the vet a couple of hours later, the vet found and removed a ring of something yuk that was constricting his penis. I think I was lucky I saw it while it was visible, or my boar could have ended up unable to pee and in considerable pain without me knowing.

I hope your friend has managed to get her boy sorted!