I have two boars named Gremlin and Domino. Gremlin has a habit of nipping when he doesn't want to be put back in his cage. He's a spoiled little cuddle bug and even though he's doing the potty dance shuffle he will protest being returned to his cage with nips to the shirt. He accidentally caught my 11 year old daughter's skin tonight and she dropped him a short distance on to the bed. He peed from being startled and she was mad at him for nipping, but I comforted them both and reminded her he's still little and didn't mean to hurt her. She knows better than to put him away with out a shirt on. Is there some way to train him not to nip? I think he's about 2-3 months old and in puberty. The two boars get along really well. No nipping or any real aggression. Just some mild rumble strutting, which is usually followed by a happy squeak, popcorning, and mad dashing around the pen. He doesn't chatter his teeth when he nips while being put back in his pen. (A large C&C cage I built myself with two of everything.)
Thanks for any advice!
Thanks for any advice!