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Boar making clicking noise when breathing


New Born Pup
Jan 8, 2024
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
My boar is making a very quiet clicking noise and a tiny wheeze. It's only really heard when I'm holding him. Is this a URI? The sound reminds me of having a stuffy nose.
Hold him to your chest and determine whether the sound is coming from his nose or chest.

From his nose and it is generally an obstruction from something like hay dust. If it doesn’t clear with a sneeze within a few hours then please see a vet as it may be something more of concern.

If it is coming from his chest, then it is more likely to be an infection. The fact you describe clicking has me thinking he should see a vet.

If you are not sure then please call you vet - breathing issues aren’t something to mess about with.

Switch from the weekly weight checks to daily checks (each morning) to monitor hay intake and enable you to step in with syringe feeding if needed.

I hope he is ok
Hold him to your chest and determine whether the sound is coming from his nose or chest.

From his nose and it is generally an obstruction from something like hay dust. If it doesn’t clear with a sneeze within a few hours then please see a vet as it may be something more of concern.

If it is coming from his chest, then it is more likely to be an infection. The fact you describe clicking has me thinking he should see a vet.

If you are not sure then please call you vet - breathing issues aren’t something to mess about with.

Switch from the weekly weight checks to daily checks (each morning) to monitor hay intake and enable you to step in with syringe feeding if needed.

I hope he is ok
Thank you for the quick response. It sounds like it's from the chest, so I'll be getting him in with the vet tomorrow.
Thank you for the quick response. It sounds like it's from the chest, so I'll be getting him in with the vet tomorrow.

That is definitely safest.

If he is struggling to breathe then they can often struggle to eat enough hay so it is very important you keep up with the weight checks and be prepared with mushed pellets or critical care syringe feed if he loses 50g or more

Let us know how you get on at the vet

Hi and welcome

All the best for getting your piggy seen before the weekend and put on medication promptly. A clicking sound from the chest needs to be taken seriously as it can indicate a fluid build up in the lungs.
If that is the case, I would recommend that you check whether your vet is also prescribing a diuretic in addition to an antibiotic in order to help drain the lungs. You are always within your rights to ask your vet what purpose each medication is for, as long as you ask politely.

The need to breathe comes before the need to drink and only thirdly the need to eat. This is why any serious respiratory illness requires daily weight monitoring and prompt stepping in with feeding support.
Antibiotics can also further impact on the 'good' digestive bacteria in the gut and not just on the bad ones, so that is often a double whammy you have to deal with and push through. But it is worth it! ;)

Turns out I can't get him in to the vet until Monday. Should I try to get him in with a faster clinic or do you think he'll be okay? He's still very energetic and eating lots of hay.
Turns out I can't get him in to the vet until Monday. Should I try to get him in with a faster clinic or do you think he'll be okay? He's still very energetic and eating lots of hay.

Nevermind, he seems to be getting worse so I'm going to try and find another vet that isn't booked.
All the best. If it turns out to be pneumonia or a lung problem, then it should not wait until Monday.

Fingers firmly crossed. I am so sorry about the timing.
Nevermind, he seems to be getting worse so I'm going to try and find another vet that isn't booked.

Please step in with feeding and watering support if needed. The need to breathe comes before the need to drink and only thirdly the need to eat.

Here is our emergency care advice in case things take a turn for the worse quickly; especially as we are going into our UK downtime.

Fingers very firmly crossed.
Thank you all for your help! I had a neighbor come over to check on Olive who's a piggy expert. I have been monitoring him to see if an emergency vet visit is needed, but weights have been good over the past few days and he's very happily eating and drinking. The noise hasn't resurfaced for a couple days. I'll keep monitoring weights for a while and keeping an eye on him.