Boar introduction advise

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Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Cumbria, England
If all goes to plan i am going to introduce a baby boar (the silver and white boy from Jen's petshop rescue) to my Bumble.x)

I have a couple of questions though if thats o.k?

Bumble will be 13-14 weeks old at introduction. Temperment wise he is a little shy but very calm and likes cuddles. He has not shown much sign of being too bolchy or dominant in the few weeks i have had him. Would that personality change as he gets older?

New baby will be 8 weeks at time of intro and i'm told he has a calm personality so i'm thinking if i do it right it will be successful?

I was going to introduce on the bathroom floor and then after a bit give them a bath together before putting them in a brand new cage with lots of grub and keep an eye on them.

I have always had 2 boars from baby babies, never any intros so i just want to make sure i have all bases covered before i go ahead.

I really want it to work for both of them so any advice or opinions would be much apprieated :)
Intorduce both on neutral ground with hay & veggies in there & put no hideys etc that have one entrance, this ensures neither pig can be entrapped by the other.
Mounting, brrring, chasing, rumblestrutting is all normal so don't be too quick to remove either. I usually observe from a distance & if all's well after 30mins i move them into their permanant home. With some intro's you know instantly if it's NOT going to work as you will see obvious aggressive behaviour (loud chattering, lunging & biting) but most go smoothly, good luck :)
At about 4-6 months, boys are at their most hormonal and "macho"; after that they start to calm down again and reach adulthood between 12-15 months old. The "puberty months" are usually the most likely phase when fall-outs can happen, also there is the occasional fall-out between guinea pigs of either gender at all ages.

Thankfully, the majority oc boar couples make it.
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