Boar intimidating the other boar

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New Born Pup
Sep 25, 2013
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recently acquired my first 2 guinea pigs, i have a large hutch with a ramp to the upstairs. I also have a 2x4 grid C+C cage attached permantly to the open cage door.

The one pig, Bumble is showing off and dominating the other, Chunk. They are both 3 and half months

But the behaviour is constant, Bumble is always making a low rumbling sound when near Chunk, waggling his behind. Chunk seems to just cower and frequently gets cornered and just cowers. Bumble also charges at Chunk who runs away. I have read other posts and i know this is normal, but because it is so frequent is this normal!

I feel sorry for Chunk at times as he is the more playful one.

Should i have separate food bowls, separate haystacks, separate beds? regarding the bedding i could build a divider. or should they be separated on a more semi-permanent basis as i can close the entrance to the c+c cage or will this make them worse?

i just dont want this escalating

thank you
You will always have one dominating pig, it’s just how things work in the wild with all animals, one has the be the top dog as such. Lots of people do recommend having extra food bowls, bottles and hay racks, but i’ve always just had one of each (Although they’re very large so it comfortably fits the two around the bowl and in front of the hay rack so there are no squabbles on space!). I suppose this is more of a personal choice if it would make you happier with two or you think it could help your pigs then get two, my pigs are so food minded as soon as they see food all bickering stops rolleyes

It’s important to have at least 2 hidey houses/bed areas though as most pigs like to sleep separately and have their own space the same as two human siblings would.

I would leave them to it for now, i always find my boys go through phases of being less tolerant with each other, some days they won’t stop rumbling other days they’re sleeping side by side. It’s just how piggies are, especially boys!
I have also read that adding a couple of cuddly toys will help, is this true as my daughters have plenty of teddy bears
I have also read that adding a couple of cuddly toys will help, is this true as my daughters have plenty of teddy bears

I find cuddly toys are more useful for single/loan piggies, i find my boys will always go after each other rather than a cuddly toy, the toys tend to just end up as pillows for when they go to sleep haha. :)) But again try it for you and see if it works, it’s one of those things where every pig acts differently.
Their bedding area is 1 foot by 2 foot, is it ok to place a divider to create two bedding areas or should the other bedding area be placed away from the other?
Hi I just wanted to tell you that if you use cuddy toys they have to be ones suitable for babies.
hmmm, not sure which ones are suitable for babies anymore. might have to buy some new ones.

thinking of dividing the bedding area in two using either chipboard or plywood, is this safe? as i know some plywood usually contains pine, not sure what chipboard contains
Instead of dividing the bedding are physically you could just try placing two hidey houses inside the area if they fit, there just needs to be at least 2 places where the piggies can feel safe and sleep away from each other while still being warm and cosy.
hidey houses, you mean like 2 cardboard boxes or something?
Yeah, cardboard boxes are great, Just cut a hole in each end so 1 piggie can't trap the other in the box.. You will probably find they will move them to suit themselves and eat them too... :))
hidey houses, you mean like 2 cardboard boxes or something?

Cardboard boxes, igloo’s, wooden houses, step stools, anything that the piggies can go under, they are an essential for all piggy owners, as pigs are prey animals and enjoy hiding beneath objects to feel safe.
i have four girls together and the largest one is very dominant so have two bottles, 4 hideys (fleece tunnels, plastic pigloos)only the one large food bowl, two hayracks and two litter trays (mine are on fleece)I figure why risk trouble
the woman i bought the 2 pigs from had a female too.

i wonder if it is an option to exchange the trouble male with the female and get the male neutured?
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maybe not, just checked on the cost of neuturing and its like 180£
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