Boar Grooming His 2 Sows

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Veggies Galore

Senior Guinea Pig
Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
My boar (Max) has recently been paired with 2 sows. They are all settling in nicely and it is delightful to watch their interactions.

When they are active, Max spends a lot of his time rumbling at either of the sows.

Another thing he has started doing is grooming their ears. They seem to enjoy this and stop still when he does it .

I have mentioned the rumbling before and most people seem to think he is just asserting his authority.

I have also been told on a different thread that grooming can be dominance behaviour but this is usually when a dominant pig forces their minions to groom them.

What do people think about Max grooming his sows?

Is he wooing them or subduing them ?
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Ear grooming is a friendly dominance gesture; it means "I like to be part of the group I am leading". It sounds like he is coming out on top of the whole outfit.

Nuzzling the eye area is a sign of affection and reaffirmation of a bond; this goes between all piggies irrespective of dominance.
Ear grooming is a friendly dominance gesture; it means "I like to be part of the group I am leading". It sounds like he is coming out on top of the whole outfit.

Nuzzling the eye area is a sign of affection and reaffirmation of a bond; this goes between all piggies irrespective of dominance.

I am delighted to hear this. I was a bit worried that he was getting hen pecked at first. I love watching him when he is rumbling at a sow - even though she runs off. I've never had a camera around when he has been ear grooming one of them - if I got a picture - it would be worth putting on a valentines card.

I am going to post some pictures of my new trio for you all to see.
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