Boar glue?


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 19, 2020
Reaction score
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Hi again my friends! I have found some clear glue like liquid that was dried on my piggies fleece today. I’m assuming it is boar glue but I can attach a photo if it could be something else. I know that they could have boar glue because of dominance but currently the other guinea pig (walnut) and him aren’t getting along so they’re living side by side. I have a few questions
1. Do semen rods always form?
2. What causes boar glue?
3. Any
Lastly, not boar glue related ;)
4. Walnut has been crying during his sleep. It seems like nightmares. And only when he sleeps. Is this normal?
thank you, this forum is beyond kind :)
Boar glue is dried semen - it will set as a solid lump which is very difficult to get off. Its nothing to worry about and is entirely normal.

Sperm rods are rods which form inside the penis

Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths

The noise while sleeping - I'm afraid I couldn't even guess. Best to see a vet if you are concerned or if he might be in any pain