Boar Glue Stuck To My Pigs Foot!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
As above, my poor thor has this stuck to his paw and i cant get it off, i have bathed it numerous times in warm soapy water but its not moving, hes walking on it but i can tell its uncomfortable for him, any ideas as to how i could get this off without hurting him plz thanks in advance guys.
I would phone vet they will have something to remove it. If you keep washing it you will only make him more sore. Keep a close eye on him because he could try to chew it. Many years ago I saw a dog that had had something stuck to its leg and she chewed her skin to get it off her fur never grow back.
Boar glue can be difficult to get off but a good soak in warm soapy water for 10 mins (difficult to hold them still I know) should help to release it. I'm wondering if this is not necessarily boar glue but a spur growing from his foot? Is it possible for you to post a photo please?
my phone with camera is in the shop being fixed atm, fingers crossed picking it up tomoz, then i will post a pic, i do have a pig with spurs and i have to trim them often, this is like a whity/clear in colour, and is stuck to the nail also, like a clump of. do think defo boar glue. i havnt soaked for ten mins tho, so maybe try 1 more time and fingers crossed will come off, then will put a bit of cream on his foot also, just incase i am making it sore for him, ty for your replys x
My Hazelnut once had boar glue on his side fur. Nothing I tried would remove it so had to resort to cutting it out. Obviously you can't do that with the foot. If it was me I would call the vet to find out if they had anything to remove it with.
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