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Boar glue lip 😅


New Born Pup
Jun 23, 2022
Reaction score
One of my guinea pigs has rock hard crusty stuff on his lip, I’m assuming boar glue🙄 and it’s making it droop, he doesn’t seem to be in pain and he’s just eaten some lettuce. How on earth do I get it off? I’ve soaked it with a flannel and it will not budge, I don’t want to cut it as the hair is short and it’s right on his lip.
One of my guinea pigs has rock hard crusty stuff on his lip, I’m assuming boar glue🙄 and it’s making it droop, he doesn’t seem to be in pain and he’s just eaten some lettuce. How on earth do I get it off? I’ve soaked it with a flannel and it will not budge, I don’t want to cut it as the hair is short and it’s right on his lip.


Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of it is waiting for it to fall off on its own, which it usually does within a few days without taking any skin with it once it is fully dried out.

'Boar glue' (dried semen fluid) hasn't got its vernacular name for no reason. It very often ends up in the face or on any mates. Any attempt to remove it by force when in direct contact with the skin will result in damaging the skin.

Thankfully, it is not painful, just a bit of a nuisance, depending on the location so no extra measures are needed.
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
Yeah I agree it’s difficult to remove and boar squealed when I attempted the first time I’ve not done it since