Boar dominance...?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
My piggy Gilbert keeps climbing on top of Ludwig and I've seen him do it occasionally though rarely in the past, but usually there is chasing, teeth chattering, Ludwig trying to stop him etc.

This time though Ludwig is just sitting there, allowing him to do it and not really reacting other than one or two squeaks and thats it.

...Is this normal?
Yes it sounds like Ludwig has accepted the situation, although it's quite possible he will turn the tables some time. If you think he's under the weather though, that's a different matter. How old are they?
He had a small tuffle later once I put them back in their cage but mostly accepted it still.

They are around 2-3 years old. It was hard to tell as the petshop didn't know when I asked. That was in 2010
Yes it sounds to me as if they have settled on their pecking order then. It's usually when they hit their teenage years (i.e. between 12 and 18 months) that they get very active and younger boars will challenge the established males. So maybe Ludwig has decided it's not worth bothering about now. It isnt always an age thing, and personalities play a part too.
Oh okay. Well I'm glad to know that then. I was worried Ludwig might be hurt or something thus why he wasn't fighting but he acted fine.

I guess hes just decided its not worth it. Gil was mostly just standing on him more than anything too, a few thrusts but mostly just a sort of, I can top you kind of thing. ^^;

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