Boar dating?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score
Rothwell Northamptonshire
Hi everyone, just a quick question if that ok. A while ago I said that I had a 16 week old boar who was living on his own at the back of the petshop and was being sold as a bully who had to be housed alone, they couldnt let me have him if I was even considering putting him with another piggy. I now realise that I should have gone elsewhere to get my daughters and my own piggies but didnt realise at the time. The petshop said that males can only be together if neutered, they said that rabbits and guineas can go together etc.
Anyway, I want to try boar dating as I want him to be happy. I am not sure what will actually happen and how it all works so thought maybe someone on here could give me a rough idea. Do I leave him at a rescue? Do i look out for a specific age or just let him decided etc? I have asked for infor from a guinea pig advice site on facebook and i have been told to get him neutered and put him with a female but I thought this was not a good idea as I have 2 males in another cage in the same room etc. Help x
When going boar dating, it depends on the rescue, they may have a guinea pig in mind they would like to try first, but then obviously it's down to your piggy on wether they get on or not, it may take alot of time trying with different guinea pigs of different ages and temperaments.

Luckily for me the first time i tried, the firsty piggy was suitable and they where put in a small play pen to have a time to get to know each other they were left to do they're own thing while we just kept an eye on them, they soon settled down and got munching.
If this is the case, most rescues would allow you to probably take them both home, put in a fully cleaned scrubbed cage with no other piggy smell and just ask you to watch over them, carefully and if squabbles occurred it would be a case of separating and going back to the rescue.

I know some rescues allow you to have your piggy board with them while they try to bond them, but this is more for full time rescues, where as some have day jobs etc.
If you found a rescue who wanted to board them, they'd take care of everything until they thought a suitable match was found and they could go home.

When looking for piggies, it's often easier to bond an adult with a baby as they get along better as the older piggy takes on a fathering role, you can find out a little bit more about all the different options here.

That website will probably help you with alot of questions etc. on bonding as it did for me (:
Hi everyone, just a quick question if that ok. A while ago I said that I had a 16 week old boar who was living on his own at the back of the petshop and was being sold as a bully who had to be housed alone, they couldnt let me have him if I was even considering putting him with another piggy. I now realise that I should have gone elsewhere to get my daughters and my own piggies but didnt realise at the time. The petshop said that males can only be together if neutered, they said that rabbits and guineas can go together etc.
Anyway, I want to try boar dating as I want him to be happy. I am not sure what will actually happen and how it all works so thought maybe someone on here could give me a rough idea. Do I leave him at a rescue? Do i look out for a specific age or just let him decided etc? I have asked for infor from a guinea pig advice site on facebook and i have been told to get him neutered and put him with a female but I thought this was not a good idea as I have 2 males in another cage in the same room etc. Help x

I think also Helen at the Stoke rescue does boar dating. Where are you?
Also, I know that we are a pro-rescue site and that's fantastic but it's also good for people like you to "rescue" poor piggies like yours from bad pet shops so good on you for getting him out of there :)
The thread Susie has suggested is a really good reference.
I have been boar dating twice and both times, I took the single boar to the rescue and the 'dates' happened at the rescue in bonding pens.
I was able to take the new pairs home later the same day but had the back up of the rescue on the phone etc if there were any issues. Some rescues the boars can stay over but they are rarer, I think. Boar dating was great for my boys are they are much happier with their new cagemates.

Have you got a local rescue in mind? Not all rescues do boar dating but lots of people on here will be able to recommend rescue that do.
Hi I am in Millbrook in cornwall, I have had two rescues recommended, one called Norman Gorman (or something like that) but they said they didnt have anything suitable but she has kept my details, the other one was little brambles. I have tried emailing but not had reply but it may be a problem with msn as this has been the case with other emails just lately. I will see if I can find a number xx
Thank you for all the replies xx
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