Sophie B
Senior Guinea Pig
I can hear Smokey and Bacon chattering away about all these clubs they have seen, they said they would like to start their own! There of course is a catch, any piggies wanting a chance of being accepted must have one thing, that thing is being a boar! Smokey and Bacon would love to have as many entries to their Boar Club as possible! Please enter your boars by simply posting a picture, their name, their age and a bit about them and their personality! It would be nice to have a Sow Club too if somebody with a sow would like to have one? Here are the first two official members!
Bacon: 6 months, Bacon enjoys all things cosy and doesn’t like sudden noises at all!
Smokey: 5 months, Smokey enjoys snuggling with me, and like Bacon doesn’t like loud sudden noises.
Bacon: 6 months, Bacon enjoys all things cosy and doesn’t like sudden noises at all!

Smokey: 5 months, Smokey enjoys snuggling with me, and like Bacon doesn’t like loud sudden noises.