Boar bonding

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Aug 5, 2012
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So I have 6 boys with 1 new one recently added, this seems to have turned everything completely upside down! Pairs that got on before don't get on anymore and my eldest pig seems isolated. I don't really know where to go from here, who to separate and who to leave together etc, any help on what to do or how to improve things would be greatly appreciated!
If you are talking about the trio you tried to bond then I would remove the newbie and try to find him his own friend through boar dating.
Perhaps think about taking the newbie out and seeing how the others react, things might settle down then try introducing them slowly, with my two boys I took them out and let them play together for half an hour then put them back in their seperate cages, I am going to increase the time they spend together over a couple of weeks until finally and hopefully they will be able to live in the same cage again without any major problems! hope this helps!
It was the trio but then I added more and they all did really well. It is the 6 th one that has shaken it up. My original 3 no longer get on as muffin likes to keep himself to himself but sandy and fondue are trying to mount him every 5 seconds, 2 or the newbies get on with everyone but one of e newbies is extremely dominant, him and fondue are clashing like mad! I have enough cages and space to separate them into 3 pairs which I am working on as we speak haha

I hope this isn't as confusing as I thinks is...
You tried to bond more! No wonder it did not work. Trios rarely work as it is and it is really best not to try it. Put them in their original pairs and you will have to start the bonding all over again which means neutral ground.
You cannot have them all together. Start with one pair who get on and bond them. When they are bonded you can place them in a clean cage. Then move on and try another pair. You have to have them in pairs and I think you have seven piggies so that means you will need to find a friend for the last one. No way should you try to place them all together.
Having a bachelor herd is not something that I would ever recommend anyone try to create. Finding 2 males that get on is tricky enough, a trio is very difficult but more than that is highly unlikely to ever work.

You are very likely to have severe injuries, pairs that got on previously can fall out permanently so please stop now before you end up with lots of fighting and 6 single pigs that hate each other.

Suzy x
Keep the two girls together and try to have three pairs of boys. You will need to have the girls in another room though as the boys will fight when they smell them. Are any of the boys neutered?
Well have three pairs of boys and the pair of girls then. Hopefully that should work.
Large herds are usually all female or females with a single neutered male.
They are all sows. Only two boars can live together or a neutered boar with any number of sows. Sows can live in pairs or groups.
I guess it doesn't matter how experienced someone is with guinea pigs, we all learn through trial and error to get there.
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