Boar Bonding - Which Cage?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
I am in the middle of a very, very long bonding process with 2 of my boys. I have had no reason to rush it so have taken it extremely slowly (months) but I now have the chance to adopt some other boys if I could get my 2 to share a cage permanently. So far they spend a lot of time in play pens together but I have not been brave enough to move them into a permanent home.
If I move them into one of their cages, I will of course make it as neutral as possible but it will still 'belong' to one of them. Is it better to move them, into the cage currently belonging to the older dominant male? He is nippy by nature which I why I have been very cautious in the bonding but I need to get on with it! any thoughts?
I am in the middle of a very, very long bonding process with 2 of my boys. I have had no reason to rush it so have taken it extremely slowly (months) but I now have the chance to adopt some other boys if I could get my 2 to share a cage permanently. So far they spend a lot of time in play pens together but I have not been brave enough to move them into a permanent home.
If I move them into one of their cages, I will of course make it as neutral as possible but it will still 'belong' to one of them. Is it better to move them, into the cage currently belonging to the older dominant male? He is nippy by nature which I why I have been very cautious in the bonding but I need to get on with it! any thoughts?

You could try to do a cage switch before bonding, so the boys are both familiar with either cage and the scent from both will be lingering? Boar bonding is usually done in one go, as otherwise, each play date is for them actually a whole new bonding routine from scratch, which is aborted by you before they can sort through the small print and get anywhere meaningful.
You can find lots of information at the top of this section on various aspects of bonding.
You could try to do a cage switch before bonding, so the boys are both familiar with either cage and the scent from both will be lingering? Boar bonding is usually done in one go, as otherwise, each play date is for them actually a whole new bonding routine from scratch, which is aborted by you before they can sort through the small print and get anywhere meaningful.
You can find lots of information at the top of this section on various aspects of bonding.
Thanks Wiebke - I think I am guilty of knowing the bonding theory, follow it normally (indeed quoting it at other people ;)) but I just haven't stuck to it very well this time for a variety of reasons. Nothing bad has happened but just haven't got very far! I will try and be good and stick to the plan! I do like the idea of the cage switcheroo so each one smells of both so will defo try that.
I have nothing further to add just hope it all goes well Laura! I am happy to have them here for a few days after my hols if that helps
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