Boar Bonding And Rescue Help?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
I've been in contact with a rescue about finding a friend for my solo pig, but when I asked details of how this Boar bonding worked they said he would stay on site until he found a friend. I can't say I'd be comfortable leaving him at a rescue not even local. Does anyone have any experience with this?
I'm kind of stuck with not knowing what to do about finding him a friend. And I've ordered an expensive big c and c cage for him and another now.
Hi, Different rescues do bonding in different ways but residential bonding is not unusual and is one of the most successful ways to do it. Some other rescues do 'speed dates' or day dating but both of these rely heavily on the owner continuing the bonding process at home and knowing exactly what to look for. This can be intimidating and a bit scary for those who haven't done it before and leaves the possibility for things to not quite go to plan...

Usually when they say 'live on site' they mean for a week or so while they try meeting the various candidates and then when one looks promising it gives them a few days to work through the first most critical bits of the bonding process under the watchful eye of someone experienced. They wouldn't keep him for ages.... If no-one currently in rescue suited then he would return to you and possibly arrange a return visit when more suitable piggies came in. I have done this before and it worked out brilliantly. Your piggy would be in good hands and have a whale of a time meeting new people before hopefully coming home with a new buddy. It is much less stressful in many ways than bonding yourself at home although I know it's hard to leave your baby with anyone for a week or so... It is definitely worth considering.
We do residential dating at BARC, most owners welcome it as boar dating can be very stressful. A good rescue should be able to reassure you that your boy will be well looked after, ask to see where he will be staying and ask how they do the dating, ask if you can watch and learn. I welcome owners staying and supervising some of the time,as it frees me up! Good luck!
Hmm. It makes me uneasy to leave him at a rescue for a week!
Try and focus on the outcome - one week without him will be far out weighed by his contentment when he has a companion. One of my boys has gone off boar dating at the moment - it is strange without him and I will miss him but I know that he will benefit so much from having a new friend and I will love having another boy to look after!
If it's a recommended rescue they'll only want what's best for their rescue pigs, and for your boy.

Really, really go for it (as long as it's a reputable rescue).

I had a lone boar a few years back, and he was so much happier once he found his friend. :D I got text updates about how it was all going, which made the waiting a bit easier.
Yeah I got regular photo 'postcards' when Suilven was at BARC for a week meeting Donald. It made me feel happier to be able to text and hear how he was getting on.... It was by far the best for them both as Donald was a bit nervous and Suilven was a young hooligan! My older laid back boys have been easier bonds and as I had much more experience by then I've done most of them myself (or nearly...)
so wood green said it will be around 3 days, which is more manageable. but my 4ft run isn't big enough, they require SIX foot...I'm not really sure I want a 6 foot run so perhaps wood green are off the cards.
Hi Jeniva, a pair of boys really do need as much space as possible! Can you provide an attached run/ extention of some sort? Boars sometimes bicker and mount each other, it is essential they have room to have "chill out" with distance between them when needed. Even closely bonded boars appreciate "me time":)
AuntyC is right. I have 8 square feet for my boys and even that is considered the MINIMUM for 2 boars. However it is the best i can offer them at this time and they seem to have a very healthy bond with mounting being a very rare occurrence. My first piggy was alone for a month and while i was very closely bonded to him, it was extremely clear he needed interaction from his own kind. I assure you that giving your piggy a friend is the best thing you can do for him. In fact i am very jealous you even have the option to boar date! here in canada no such thing exists. Rescues are few and far between and don't trust that we aren't bringing sick piggies into their place, so i adopted a boar on a gamble and simply must wait and hope they survive the teenage hormones!
Try and focus on the outcome - one week without him will be far out weighed by his contentment when he has a companion. One of my boys has gone off boar dating at the moment - it is strange without him and I will miss him but I know that he will benefit so much from having a new friend and I will love having another boy to look after!
I think the opportunity to find your boar a lifelong companion sounds amazing, and the fact that professionals offer to help with the process is a wonderful indicator of just how important it is.
But I think @lauraboara might not be sharing all the 'advantages' of boar dating with you :D
well I got my current run by what a rescue said a couple of years this rescue recommended run isn't large enough for another rescue. I've emailed them back saying I will get a 6 foot run, HOWEVER i'd like to actually know before I buy one that he's going to have his friend. So I've suggested that they do the boar bonding, an on day 2 (near the end), if they are getting along I'll order a large run and show them proof. I really don't want to get a hugeeee run if he doesn't even get along with this piggie :/
As someone who bonded a boar to two sows at home I would defo recommend letting a rescue do the work - It was 10 days of pure hell - the noise and squealing was so bad that for days I was in tears and the whole house didn't sleep as the rumbling and squealing could be heard all night all through the house.
I think it's worth it to get him a friend.I have been lucky in bonding, haven't had any major dramas.They have accepted each other really easily.Good luck with what you decide to do
My lad is currently at a rescue for boar 'dating'. I must admit its breaking my heart as I very recently lost his friend.... but I could see he was becoming withdrawn and thought it was in his best interest. I did stay for a while while he was placed next door to a possible bond and he really perked up.

I'm crossing everything that it works but I do feel I'm doing the right thing.

I have to agree with others...when I've tried bonding myself before I've had sleepless nights!
the rescue is being extremely slow with replying to me. I haven't heard back after my suggestion.
At this rate I can see if taking a few more weeks before anything gets done with them, if they even reply. It's the only rescue that has a single boar at the moment.

Is it out of the question to go and get a boar else where, and try and bond them myself?
Han's been on his own now already for 2 weeks...I feel like he's very lonely and depressed at the moment and this process is taking such a long time - I'm getting impatient for him.
You need to think about what is right for you, and for Han.

Adopting from a rescue is always the best thing to do, you're offering a piggy who has had a bad start in life a great new home. But, sometimes it's not possible.If Han is really struggling then you should go elsewhere. You also need to think about what you would do with the new pig if they don't bond. Have you got space for more cages, more pigs?

I had to have 2 separate cages side by side for almost a year, and many attempts before I got my last two to bond. I'm pretty experienced at bonding boys and have had a few trios work too, but you just can't guarantee it. Boys will be boys.
the rescue is being extremely slow with replying to me. I haven't heard back after my suggestion.
At this rate I can see if taking a few more weeks before anything gets done with them, if they even reply. It's the only rescue that has a single boar at the moment.

Is it out of the question to go and get a boar else where, and try and bond them myself?
Han's been on his own now already for 2 weeks...I feel like he's very lonely and depressed at the moment and this process is taking such a long time - I'm getting impatient for him.
I feel your pain. My boy was alone for a month before a pig became available to adopt and not purchase. Even then I had to do the bonding myself because dating doesn't exist. Do you know your piggy? Can you try to adopt from someone who no longer wants their piggy to maybe get an idea of what their boy is like? It's not the same as dating. But if that's the best you can do then no one can fault you
Thanks guys for the response.
I had my old boar next to Han in another cage because they didn't get along. Their personalities were completely opposite though.
Han is really quiet and calm piggie, think he needs a guinea similar to him. My old piggie was very bold, nutty and dominant - so they didn't get along.
Getting very very frustrated now.
Woodgreen haven't got back to me in a week now. I've rung a few times but they keep saying call back later. I understand they're busy and helping animals.. But I want to adopt one of their animals :(
I've contacted every rescue. Looked every where for an adoption, the only ones available are pets at home old stock young Guinea pigs.
I'm having no luck and I feel so sorry for Han on his own ;(
Be very cautious of where you are getting a boar from. I took in two boars in September who have since been neutered. I knew both as they lived with a work colleague who no longer wanted them. I am very careful about quarantine, and it's just as well after 3 weeks ringworm appeared on the boys. I was very lucky I'd kept them separate from my own pig's.

I would recommend nothing less than 3 weeks quarantine after my experience.

Is it possible to go to a rescue further a field? I know here in Glasgow we don't have any which makes things exceptionally difficult when trying to find a friend I have had to go to the boarder on many occasions but it is worth it for the guarantee that even if the bond does not work I have the rescues support and the potential candidate can be returned if not successful. I do tend to do the bonding myself but it is quite stressful especially if it's not something you've done before. I also find boar's more difficult.
well they finally got back to me and i've ordered the run. Hopefully it arrives tomorrow as thurs is the last weekday I'll be able to take him over to them. So fingers crossed by the weekend he'll have a new friend!
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