boar and sow pairings

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Mar 15, 2007
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North Yorkshire
Hi All,

To anyone who has a boar and sow pairings do they snuggle up together etc. or do you have some that appear indifferent to each other?
i have two pairs of boars and sows.
I never actually see them snuggle up together, they sleep in the bedroom compartment together, but they don't cuddle up.
Mine won't stay in the same pigloo together. It's getting to the point where Buffy or Spike will sit at the tp of the ramp to prevent the other being allowed on the same deck. Spike is rumbling constantly and although they don't teeth chatter at each other occasionally buffy does lunged at him (it looks like she's biting but Spike has never squeled or had an injury).

I don't know what to do.
well my two pairs get along fine, the boys rumble at the girls,but the girls put them in their place, to tell them to clear off, but they get along fine otherwise.

i had to eventually seperate my 2 females(they used to live with one of my boars) who acted like your describing, but one was being bullied and restricted to move about so much, i had no choice than to seperate,she would hide all the time. so i rehomed another boar.I don't know if yours are all that bad, maybe someone more experienced can give some advice.
At first we did think Buffy was bullying Spike, she would take food out of his mouth etc. but now I think Spike is gaining in confidence and doing similar things to her. I didn't know if his age would make a difference as he is about 8 months old and she must be about 18 months.

There are fine in big open spaces together and they playfully chase one another but in the cage it's another matter (I have a thistle hall so don't think size of cage is an issue)
thistle hall is as fab size, so i wouldn't say that was the problem, i have sage house which is the smaller version and star and maisy get along fine in that. so really don't think thats the issue. for now aslong as they can get away from eachother and have seperate pigloos,and no blood is being drawn i wouldn't worry too much. just keep a close eye on them, i know there will be better advice come along soon.
Digby lives with 5 lucky ladies and he tends to sleep outside the bedroom door lol whist his favourite one of the day is in there. He does like them fussing him and Pickle loves him lots she follows him around and they go in the pigloo together she has only been living with them all for 2 weeks but seems to have hit it off with Digby :smitten:
When Wilson and Cindy were together before Cindy was pregnant they would snuggle up lots... but I would also find them in different houses sometimes... but they were always running around happily together :)

Well find out soon how happy they are to see eachother again... and how happy Wilson will be to properly meet his beautiful daughter :smitten:
I have a group of 4 sows and a neutered boar and they are always snuggling up together. :smitten:
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