Boar and sow having issues-Advice please

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Feb 24, 2012
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We got a new boar from a rescue yesterday and at first he seemed to get on well with our sow. Today they aren't getting on so well. He has been trying to mount her and I think that she has just got fed up and she keeps chasing him and now he is chattering his teeth at her as well as Rumbling constantly. They keep trying to nip each other, no blood has been drawn but i'm worried :( I distracted them with some grass for a while but now they are off again. What shall I do?/
Please let them work it out between them unless there are proper bloody fights. They will come out the on the other side with a bond that is all the much strongerfor it. Some boys can go overboard a bit at first.

Make sure that you don't have any hideys with just one entrance or any awkward corners where one of them can be boxed into in order to avoid any situations where things may tip.
They should settle it just takes them time. If they haven't torn strips off each other they'll prbably settle down after a bit of arguing over who's boss!
Yep I introduced two spayed sows to my teenage boar - the squeals the squeeks the rumbling the chasing - I actually slept in with my daughter for most of the 1st week - as all the piggies are in my room (my trio are about 2ft from my head ) - we had two weeks of constant attempted humping - and the vain little sod prefers to try and hump the piggy that looks like a female version of him :x - but all is peace and calm now - (apart from some gentle motor boating throughout the night from my boar - which is strangely quite soothing !
I've gone the other way, I'm sleeping in the front room with the pigs. Its the gerbils keeping me awake out here now though lol
They seem to be getting on OK now. They seem to have more issues with each other when they are in the run :{
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