Bluebells Rescue on the MOVE

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Oct 24, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Wight
As you know, we are about to move to a larger property. However, all has not gone to plan and the property we were buying has fallen through :... . However, we found a better pad with far more piggy space :))
We are starting our move on Saturday to a temporary place :... , then onwards to our permanent property (staying on the Isle of Wight) . Not the best for our residents having to be moved twice, but hence the reason we closed to new arrivals a few weeks back.

When we are settled and have internet back, I will be back on TGF. This is the one forum of which is friendly, helpful and informative to piggy owners seeking help/advice and should be thanked. If only more people knew of this forum I am sure that there would be far less piggies in need as people would be better informed of their needs.

As I say, when we are back up and running again, we will be open to more rescues than ever before. However, we (as any rescue) do somewhat rely on you to help us financially as our pennies can only go so far :( . We will be looking to purchase more cages, runs, feed etc and any donations for these can be made on our website. Alternatively, if you could send something from our Amazon Wish List, it will still get to us and will always be used!

Once again, many thanks and happy popcorning to all you piggies out there :)

Bluebells Rescues Wish List

Good luck with your moves, hope all goes well and your little piggie friends arrive safe and happy :)
Been meaning to contact you as I have some stuff to donate :))
Let me know your new address please so I can get them sent to you - good luck with the move :)p
Thank you all for your good luck wishes :))

We are still in temporary accommodation at the moment, we are aiming to be relocated properly in the next 3 weeks (fingers trebbly crossed!) :....

Just can't wait now, the piggies will be in heaven xx>>>

We have taken on eleven new arrivals, not the best when given our current situation, but these little guys needed help. One in particular is severely ulcerated.

We are in DESPERATE need of an extra run... can anyone help us to fund this please? Or can anyone donate a run, which may or may not need some TLC/reconstruction?

Guinea pig slave - will PM you our current address; thank you so much x>>


Bluebells Rescues Wish List

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