If the bleeding has stopped, then your piggy is OK.
Wipe the toe gently with some saline solution (you can make it at home by stirring 1 teaspoon of salt into 250 ml/ 1/2 of boiled, cooled water to disinfect it after the bleeding has stopped.
When catching the quick fully, then there is a lot of blood but it only gets dangerous if the bleeding doesn't stop within 10-15 minutes and or if there is a continuous trickle of fresh blood.
I've had a couple of bad cuts like that but in both cases the piggy was perfectly OK; even Hyfryd, who we had to rush to the out-of-hours vets this summer because she continued to bleed for longer than normal and lost even more blood than yours - I ended with about half a dozen tissues looking like yours in her case. The bleeding stopped as soon as we pulled into the clinic's car park...
I hope that this helps to reassure you?