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Blood three weeks after bladder surgery


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2021
Reaction score
Muffin has his bladders stone op three weeks ago and has recovered brilliantly but the last couple of days has been squeaking again when pooping and peeing and there is some blood. What on earth could be going on? I am so fed up as it’s one thing after another! It couldn’t be another stone could it? X


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Muffin has his bladders stone op three weeks ago and has recovered brilliantly but the last couple of days has been squeaking again when pooping and peeing and there is some blood. What on earth could be going on? I am so fed up as it’s one thing after another! It couldn’t be another stone could it? X
Sorry to read this :( It could be some post surgery inflammation perhaps it a uti, I would doubt a stone reoccurrence so soon. Obviously a vet check will be needed. Sending lots of love to Muffin x
Sorry to read this :( It could be some post surgery inflammation perhaps it a uti, I would doubt a stone reoccurrence so soon. Obviously a vet check will be needed. Sending lots of love to Muffin x
Yes I thought the same. Surely it couldn’t be another stone?! Thanks for your reply x
I would not think so, as surely vet would have seen any others causing issue and I think it would be too soon to form.
A similar timeframe after my Leonard had a bladder stone removed he experienced a brief period of pain and blood, it was the surgery site in the bladder healing if I remember right, like a scab coming away.

Fingers crossed all goes well at the vet!
A similar timeframe after my Leonard had a bladder stone removed he experienced a brief period of pain and blood, it was the surgery site in the bladder healing if I remember right, like a scab coming away.

Fingers crossed all goes well at the vet!
That’s really helpful- how long after? X
That’s really helpful- how long after? X

I think it was the following month, it was some years back now so I can't remember exactly, but I took him back to the vet and sure enough shortly after it went away. Although it did end up coming back, he likely had interstitial cystitis on top of everything else.
I think it was the following month, it was some years back now so I can't remember exactly, but I took him back to the vet and sure enough shortly after it went away. Although it did end up coming back, he likely had interstitial cystitis on top of everything else.
Hopefully it’s nothing to worry about. All the best at the vets x
Thank you! X